Reviews for One Moose and a Jade
absolutelyfabulouslyobsessed chapter 1 . 4/24
This is so cute!
Tamara chapter 1 . 5/31/2016
Be. Check. This. Massage.
Keira Davis chapter 1 . 3/3/2013
I like you jade are can you have sex with moose in your next video
readingrainbows chapter 1 . 10/22/2012
You are a golden goddess; let me kiss your feet.

I'm so incredibly pleased with the way this turned out, the fact that it could have gone so bad, the state of Moose's virginity and the hopeful bade tone at the end.

I'm so happy to see humor from you, because I've always loved your humorous stuff, mostly because you're FUNNY and although it's always brave and challenging to venture out from your comfort zone and bring us all to tears with your more dramatic works, it's nice to see you worm back into your own niche once in a while.

Whether you'd like to admit it or not, and whether you even notice or not, your stories always seem to have wonderful lessons in them, humorous or otherwise.
The surprising teacher here is Moose, but since Beck is in such need for learning I guess it's not all too surprising. It's funny (but, also much more realistic, unfortunately) to know that Beck will probably never find out about the Moose/Jade excursion. I was so happy when Jade got the guy out of all the other girls, but I was even more happy with the way you elaborated this, Jade's need to move on and the sweet reason why someone like MOOSE is still so innocent (hm, are you projecting a little here, baby girl?) not to mention jealous Beck.

I’ve always loved how you do jealous Beck, it’s very subtle and very believable considering the limited slate of Beck’s emotions. You seem to know just how to work them to make the most out of them without going so far overboard that we’re not even sure if Beck’s the one speaking anymore, as can sometimes happen in the fanfiction world.

Truly I wish you’d stop undercutting your writing, you’re an INCREDIBLE writer, so talented with such a lovely way with words. You always seem to know just how to string them together with perfect poise and eloquence. I’m so happy you posted this, but even happier I had the immense pleasure of reading it.
Don’t let things get you down and write for me again!
Gdayshadyrusher chapter 1 . 10/21/2012
I loved itwill there be a sequel?
Cori chapter 1 . 10/21/2012
WOW! This was amazing! I love it! asdfenfasd and "That's her- that's my…Jade." just waoefihjadönfasdfoia.
And virgin Moose was a great and funny idea :)
You did a very good job :)
Jeremy Shane chapter 1 . 10/21/2012
Great Chapter & More Please
chasingafterstarlight chapter 1 . 10/21/2012
okay what is this i just don't CRYING it should've gone like this but kid's shows and y'know
'jade helped you' crying crying beck is such a jerk and i actually liked moose in this fic even though i didn't in the show sigh you are such a good writer and they all seemed so IC just wow
and hush because my fic was not that great it was two am ok
also 'that's my... jade' YES BECAUSE I AM 900% SURE THAT BECK TOLD MOOSE ABOUT JADE! let's be honest it is a thing that happened
also beck looking like a caveman i am going to die why even
and the first paragraph i am sobbing because canon beck was really going to say jade i wAS JUST WAITING OKAY sigh this was so good i just wish it would happen what even
sajgkljsadg good job this is perfect good job bye
Guest chapter 1 . 10/21/2012
Sequel please, this was so ahhh i cant even explain, so good! _
MysticalKC chapter 1 . 10/21/2012
Amazing! I love it! :D
pantherfan97 chapter 1 . 10/21/2012
Great! :)
ToaVahi210 chapter 1 . 10/21/2012
Daughter of Bitch, why the Frag couldn't have been Trina?
Wait did i say that right... ?
rtaf chapter 1 . 10/21/2012
Funny and cute, a good combination. I love this!
DevinnnMaddox chapter 1 . 10/20/2012
Yay, Joose. I like.
anlmoon chapter 1 . 10/20/2012
This was good
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