Reviews for The Wolf's Mission
YokaiAngel chapter 6 . 10/21/2015
shadowsoflife11 chapter 6 . 11/23/2008
nice story. I really like it.
Clarence Hikari chapter 6 . 10/2/2008
Nice ) really liked the image of Tokio here... meek and yet strong.. ) hope to see more fics.. good work
I-LOVE-VEGETA chapter 6 . 3/5/2008
wow! THANK you for writing this story! i've never seen an episode with Tokio - i'm beginning to believe that she exists on in the manga or smthin! - but i've read a lot of various crappy fiction about her. This gave me a much better appreciation for the Wolf and his mate, true to Saito's character
Garowyn chapter 6 . 10/10/2005
Very good story. Loved the humor (poor Kenshin) and I'm glad Tokio survived, although it's unfortunate that the baby didn't. Anyway, good work!
JWilsonJunkie chapter 6 . 9/4/2005
I loved this story. I love this pairing to death. I think you captured the couple perfectly. I hope to see more of you soon. Ja!
pnaixrose chapter 6 . 5/28/2005
I loved the story! Especially becuase it's a Saito/Tokio one. I love that couple!

It's very well written with hardly any mistakes. Great job!
omasuoniwabanshi chapter 6 . 5/3/2005
That was so cool! I loved your story! I found it on someone else's 'favorites' list and had to read it. I really enjoyed the way you described Tokio and Saitoh's relationship. Who but Tokio would dare to steal a cigarette right out of his mouth? Though their interaction got a, I adored seeing that big galoot head over heels in love with her.

All your characters were IN character, a definite plus for an RK fic! Your story was a joy to read from start to finish. Even though you apologized in your 'author note' for not having an exciting end chapter, I still think it was the perfect ending. Good job! Excellent writing!
Maru-kun chapter 6 . 3/18/2005
Any words that I might say would only be an insult to your story, for words cannot properly describe the AWESOMENESS of this fic! I humbly bow to you and pray that one day you might honor me with a review. *SIGH* YOUARESOAWESOME!
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