Reviews for The Library
TamaraBMarshall chapter 1 . 2/6/2019
Enjoyed the storyline. Great ending!
Little Bird chapter 9 . 1/24/2016
Much enjoyed. Thank you!
Guest chapter 9 . 1/17/2014
Sequel! please! be kind to us crazy Rumbellers! I love your writing style. itso lovely!
Kiri Huo Ziv chapter 9 . 9/17/2013
That was great :)
Esin of Sardis chapter 9 . 5/26/2013
:) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Awesome. It was adorable and sweet and she thankfully finally came to her senses! I love the bit at the end where she remembers :)
The sweet flirtation and everything was just perfect. Especially with the soundtrack of "Amarantine" by Enya and "Til Kingdom Come" by Coldplay. (Yeah, it's a strange combination. Don't ask, it's on shuffle.)
Really, really good job on this story. I enjoyed it a lot.
Thank you,
esin of sardis
Esin of Sardis chapter 8 . 5/26/2013
Gack can't write nice things from too many awesome feels. :P
That was so sweet. They're so carefully flirtatious and adorable. His interior monologues are great. And talking about Bae was quite a step. Now we just need her to dump Gaston already.
That phone number thing at the end was awesome.
Esin of Sardis chapter 7 . 5/26/2013
Well. If you don't want Belle to do something, don't tell her that you think she can't. Now she's just determined to break his walls down. Not that I find that a bad thing at all. :) Great scene there. So sweet. And he'd totally do anything for here-including going to a ridiculous party it seems. xD It's so not his thing... The "bah humbug" was great. Perfect end to the moment.
I must admit, I was rather shocked Belle would go that far, but I like it. It is in character, I just thought the curse might have broken her too much for something this daring. I'm glad it hasn't.
I love how he tells her all these little stories and they're true even if she doesn't know it.
I'm not even going to talk about Emma. Just... don't give her anything else to drink. *facepalm*
Those gifts. Excellent. Truly. You got the most meaningful things he could have given right there. Wonderful job. The cheek kiss and everything. Really beautifully done.
Esin of Sardis chapter 6 . 5/26/2013
Another reason not to look at Ruby: Belle might see. And that would be incredibly counterproductive.
"Feeling the urge to throw something sharp, pointy and painful to the young man," Please do! :D He's disgusting and awful. And I'm just glad he was too drunk to do anymore to her in the diner.
And Gold is so sweet and perfect, sending her tea and offering her dinner. And of course Ruby's eavesdropping on the whole thing cause she's Ruby.
Gahhhh. Almost-kisses. Lovely and frustrating at the same time. But it's true, neither of them would do that now, not with her engaged.
Esin of Sardis chapter 5 . 5/26/2013
Hitting Gaston with a Cadillac sounds like an excellent idea if you ask me. Gold should do it. Just think how easy it would be to make it look like an accident! (Lol. I'm waaaay to violent in the direction of antagonists.)
Poor Belle. I like how you've made sure she's affected by the curse. It's awful and she needs to fall in love and ditch that git as soon as possible.
This sentence just struck me as incredibly redundant: "The following week was a slow one for the pawn shop; not too many customers coming in that week."
Emma! I love you, but you totally interrupted that moment. Bad Emma. xD That shocked her soooo much... :D
Esin of Sardis chapter 4 . 5/25/2013
Serious hate for Gaston right now. Honestly. He's awful and sooo wrong for Belle. And he'd never dance with her like that, so obviously he isn't worth it.
And dancing. Yes. Dancing. Yes yes yes yes. :D :D It's like the Fred Astaire song:
I won't dance, don't ask me
I won't dance, don't ask me
I won't dance, Madame, with you
My heart won't let my feet do the things they should do

Say, you know what? You're lovely
You know what? You're lovely, but oh, what you do to me
I'm like an ocean wave that's bumped on the shore
I feel so absolutely stumped on the floor

And that's why I won't dance, why should I?
I won't dance, how could I? I won't dance
Merci beaucoup, I know that music leads the way to romance
So if I hold you in my arms I won't dance

Awesome. It was soooo sweet and I love it.
Esin of Sardis chapter 3 . 5/25/2013
Those puppets are soooo creepy. I don't even like thinking about them. *shudder*
Poor Gold. He really is lonely. At least he has Belle to come by and sort out his books and bring him flowers. And who knows? It could be something more. Actually, I do know. That's why I'm reading this :D
Esin of Sardis chapter 2 . 5/25/2013
You're terrible, Gold. Human? Who cares. *glaring in his direction on behalf of Belle*
Lol. The books. That's so sweet. And she's certainly the only one he would allow to borrow from him. :D
Yes. Now they have more of an excuse to see each other. Of course, it's adorably sweet that she brings him a flower each week. And now they get to bond more over books! :)
Esin of Sardis chapter 1 . 5/25/2013
Ouch. There at the end. Ouch. You might not know him now, dearie, but you will. Of that I have no doubt. :D
I love that. He comes in a rescues her. This will be lovely. And I like your description of the town there at the beginning.
Great start :D
ilovefireyredheads chapter 9 . 2/22/2013
this story was so perfect! i love this story, especially for how well you have portrayed the characters! i am just so sad to see this tale finished, but glad for a happy ending!

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