Reviews for No More
TheSapphireRose chapter 1 . 10/17/2012
AHHH SO BEAUTIFUL BUT SO SAAD! God I loved this so much. Keep up the good work!
Basuke Vongola-Style chapter 1 . 10/17/2012
So depressing. Poor Tsuna TTOTT You did a great job on this, really.. I almost cried
PoisonApple911 chapter 1 . 10/13/2012
Oh My Reborn.. I love this so so much! God.. I got chills while reading it, especially at the break-up part. That was just so.. Argh. I couldn't take my eyes off of my phone while reading this! This fic got me even more interested in 2795. I like it as a pairing but I could never really imagine it having some kind of depth to it and this just proves me wrong - it's like a hit to my face! You did an amazing job!
KawaiiDesuNee chapter 1 . 10/13/2012
Thanks for the credit! :)
I'm sorry but I didn't cry as you expected me to xD only naruto's deceased parents made me cry ._. LOL I'm so random xD
But this is a very well-written tragic fic. You describe everything in a good way and it's a good angst fic :)
It's sad that they still loved each other yet she hid her illness from him... *sigh*
It's really good and I hope I can read more 2705 fics from you! :D There aren't much 2795 fics these days T_T
Soul of The World chapter 1 . 10/13/2012
Even though it's a one shot...I CRIED! *wails* WHY? WHY DOES SHE HAVE TO DIE? KYOKO! I LOVE YOU TOO! I...YOU MADE ME CRY!

I want it to be a happy ending! Like, if you could do me a favor and make another chapter! I want...Um...

Then make Tsuna mourn for her or something, then Reborn comes in the room and tries to comfort him, then Reborn suddenly says: "It's all a dream." Then he wakes up and sees Kyoko! Even if you don't write what really happened, just he sees her and even if you don't tell us, like: "Kyoko..." CRAP LIKE THAT! WAAAAHHHH! WHY TRAGEDIES! I HAD ENOUGH OF THAT FOR THREE DAYS STRAIGHT! You...YOU BAKA!