Reviews for Wolves on Film
BadStoriesComeToMe chapter 9 . 10/29/2019
This was such a good story! Thrilling! Hilarious! Engrossing! I loved it!
lukejohnson0612 chapter 8 . 12/5/2014
Heh. I can't help but wonder if garth refused Humphrey's hi-three because he knew Humphrey was the one who knocked him unconscious.
East. Trace chapter 9 . 4/15/2013
This was a great story! The next one sounds awesome!
LillyAndMe chapter 8 . 3/28/2013
At least they take down the bear. I like the idea that Humphrey throwing down the boulders though. Kate came in to save Lilly. If Lilly was going to puck and I think it would be funny if she had thrown up on Garth. Now they have to face against the elephant. I wonder how they will do that in the next chapter. They need to get rid of those pesky humans away from their valley once and for all. Can't wait for the next chapter. Keep up the good work.
Alexander chapter 7 . 3/21/2013
Like this story
I personally think this story need to have a little more affection shared between Humphrey and Kate
This is just my opinion
cant close this account why chapter 7 . 2/4/2013
But I CAN'T read on!
Please update soon!
Dancing Lunar Wolves chapter 7 . 2/4/2013
Okay I'm awake and ready to give you my rundown of the chapter

First off, I liked how it's Kate and Humphrey sent on a dangerous mission. I thought it would be Garth and Kate, but I soon realized that they'd probably have less of a chance as the two would fight for the leader role. That and the fact that Garth wouldn't mind the cameras aimed at him.

You set the tone well by having Humphrey act like his old self while Kate's somewhat agitated with this. I feel as though it's not that she minds, but more so wants to not be caught less she be filmed again. Besides, their mission calls for stealth and coordination, none of which Humphrey truly has.

I could have guessed the RV being big, but mansion sized? Alexander Evans must really enjoy big shiny things. And from what Kate told Humphrey, I'm guessing the same as well. I thought it was a good reference to the movie as well.

Their little game of "boost me" turned out rather well. I had expected as much from Humphrey as I did with Kate from this scene. Humphrey falling over, and Kate making it there. Kate mocking him slightly though she ended up helping him, and finally Humphrey barely making it himself. It seemed, however, that Kate's minor oversight nearly cost them their stealth.

The funniest part of the scene was right here in front of the planning board. Each of the main cast was given a different name and all Kate and Lilly's titles were switched. I find it funny that not only did this happen, but the Alpha couple (the ones that started it) became the omega couple, and the beta couple got bumped up.

Biff, Suzie, Alonso, and Val. All of these names were great to their own degree. And Humphrey was right, she couldn't change it, that would be wrong even for her. I've seen dogs write with a pen or sharpie, but these are wolves, they're much more talented.

It was funny that you have Kate labeled as a sidekick because of how she appears on camera. Also, following up the scene with Kate elbowing Humphrey and calling him Biff was priceless.

I realized that I did make a mistake in beta reading when you wrote '100% authentic'. I did take the second apostrophe off, I honestly didn't see the first one.

It seems as though Evans' uncle is a very cruel man. The way he talks, I could imagine a tall, and bald business man sitting at the top floor of a building overlooking a city. That, Is honestly what I thought of him as, someone like Kingpin.

He apparently rigs everything and always cheats to get out of whatever he needs. Truly a vicious man if I've ever seen one. And to top it off he leaves Alexander Evans by stating that he should kill one of the wolves.

Evans himself is nearly on par with this guy. He doesn't seem to care about a matter unless it concerns him, as with the fire getting to their equipment. I do, however, agree that he should have one of the wolves operating the equipment, payment for them is easy.

So now with the threat of bears there, Kate and Humphrey rush off to stop them before it's too late.

I'm curious to see how all of this will play out. You've set things up more elaborate than I could have imagined. I look forward to reading what happens next.

Till Next Time
LillyAndMe chapter 7 . 2/4/2013
Great chapter. I think Humphrey and Kate will make it in time. I hope that none of them died. Keep up the good work.
spyrofan34 chapter 1 . 1/14/2013
what is the first story in the series
DerpyMuffin chapter 4 . 12/2/2012
Omg! Nawt Lilly!
Evans, you devious sh*t.
DerpyMuffin chapter 3 . 12/2/2012
1. How do the wolves know about human society so much?
2. GTFO Alexander Evans!
DerpyMuffin chapter 2 . 12/2/2012
I wonder if they would like Lilly's turtle impressions...
RhettMaster96 Studios chapter 1 . 11/30/2012
I found this to be very entertaining! :) I really like how you have the plot set up to be some sort of humorous media exploit; very interesting for an Alpha and Omega fic plot!

Okay, let's get down to the nitty-gritty: review time! XD

First off, I *love* how you portray Kate; her proud personality and her mind saying that the lone caribou out in the open was either bold or foolish, that made me laugh! :D The part that really started to get me sucked into this was when Kate had a good hold of the caribou, poised for the kill actually (or at least that's how you worded it! XD), but then she just freezes when there's a camera planted in her face! Though here's the part that really kicks it off, when she looks up at the human and just asks, "Um, can I help you?". I was like...what?! XD How does she expect him to understand her and it's just funny because you really wouldn't expect her to say that, but hey I guess that's the point of this story! ;D Then here comes Humphrey, who's watching from afar, notices the camera crew, and pulls off one of his traditional one-liners, so true to his character, and says, "A camera crew? Huh, I always wanted to be a movie star." Earned a good chuckle out of me! :D Because of his jokey nature, you just *know* he's gonna say something quirky and the last thing in your mind that you would think in the situation. Nice touch! C: Back to Kate, I also love how she's just frozen in place and just mouths to Can-do and Hutch, "Help me.", and they're just like 'whaddya want us to do?' Very funny element there!

When the caribou blindsides (or more like blind-guts) Kate, I love how Humphrey immediately jumps into action, his love for his mate showing true as well! 3 I also love how you made the caribou go down; instead of showing everything in detail and in plain view, he's brought down by Can-do off-screen. Nice touch, very believable for a kid's story or animated movie. His getaway plan was short lived, though, huh? XD I can hear Humphrey now: "Looks like we're eating caribou tonight, boys!" XD Sorry had to do it. Anyway, I really wouldn't expect Kate, of all wolves, to be afraid of some cameras, but she does make sense, though. Having cameras shoved in your face, prying eyes just waiting for you to do something, *is* kinda nerve-wrecking! :p And of course before they do leave, Humphrey has to get in his over-dramatic bow and a quick wink to the cameras in, again, *very* good Humphrey portrayal! :) With Kate's departure, from what you gave, Can-do and Hutch were probably like "how you just gonna leave us hangin' like this?!"!

Next, I find it funny that Humphrey kept on absentmindedly prodding for an explanation of why Kate wanted to get away from the cameras when she clearly says she doesn't want to talk about it: typical Humphrey! :D It's also interesting to see that Humphrey was actually a little glad that Kate had a few weaknesses and it's good that he doesn't say that to her face because, while it's the truth, it would be pretty rude and selfish. Maybe he feels that way because she won't be so uptight about his shortcomings and sympathize with him or maybe it's because he just wants to find something that frightens her or troubles her so he could comfort her or help her through it, which would be more sweet than rude, I think! ;)

Also love the irony in the ending; Humphrey tries to ease her nerves by saying the humans could be gone in a few days then the scene switches to the film crew and the man's like, "we could be here for *weeks*, *months* even!" I couldn't help but laugh at the irony; it's rich! XD Or maybe that's just my own twisted humor - I don't think so; I think it was meant to be funny, so good job! Oh, the drama and hilarity that's bound to ensue; can't wait to click that Next button! XD

All in all, fantastic start and amazing plot! The characters are very well in character, the humor is a solid 'A', lots of cool ideas, excellent grammar and structure with no visible errors (unless I missed one, but I don't think I did :D), and a very gripping plot! Overall, I give this chapter a 10/10; loving this and can't wait to read the next chapter! :)

-See you next time!-

AnxiousSoul19 chapter 3 . 10/28/2012
Poor wolves. :( Evans is such a mean man! He should be put in a life and death situation, lol.
LoyalWolfHumphrey chapter 2 . 10/18/2012
ouchh thats lilly...
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