Reviews for Happy Anniversary
DemigodDaughterOfTheTARDIS chapter 6 . 5/17/2015
Fury is sooooo gonna get his butt handed to him...
Resident Evil Lionhart chapter 7 . 2/11/2014
So...No one's going to do anything about Fury? I'd love to see Clint shoot an arrow into Fury's butt! XD
sami1010220 chapter 7 . 9/16/2013
Good job. I will say, I got annoyed with the ”propaganda” thing, not only because it was a bit confusing, but also because you seem to overuse it. I was also a bit upset at toni's reaction to steve leaving. I understand that it was an important day, but her reaction was extreme. And of course he rushed off to see her, she's 90! she could very well die the next day from natural causes, and that would be something steve would have regret for the rest of his life. Anyway, despite those two things, I thought it was an interesting fic. I like girl tony, and I like that you didn't make her faultless. Overall I thought you did a good job.
IamHIDINGinYOURcloset chapter 1 . 8/14/2013
So sweet! It is also incredibly hard to find a Natasha Stark fanfiction!
Fi Suki Saki chapter 7 . 6/30/2013
The ending was EPIC!

Oh Bruce! XDD LOL


This fic was HEART-BREAKING!


Do that again, The rest Avengers (except Steve himself, and Toni) WILL KILL YOU BOTH!

But the fic was Heart-warming by Thor's, Clint's, Loki's and Bruce's part for Toni! :'D


Well... I'm quite glad... at least it's a happy ending... :)

Be thankful Steve, that it's only one month anniversary..!
If one year, and he did this to her, he (and Fury) is so DEAD MEAT!
Kirst Kris chapter 7 . 5/13/2013
Hahahaha XD Brucey that was too funny. Fonduing? Haha I watched the movie a get it, but I cant help but crack up whenever it is mentioned. I fell off my bed from laughing so much when reading this. Loved it! :D Thank you for writing this. :)
Tycoon228 chapter 3 . 1/3/2013
did you know that this actually happened in the comics but I think I like yours better
KaiPhoenix chapter 6 . 12/26/2012
*grins* I loved the line about Captain America smelling like 'old spice and propaganda,' it was just perfect!

Also, though I am not German, it is an awesome place! Your country is the inspiration for the Disney castle! (My eldest niece did her First Grade 'Great Brain' Report on Germany because she lived there a few years with her parents. I have forgotten most of the report, but remember that part.)

But I also really liked the way you expressed the different characters' emotions. It had me on edge and really hoping that this would have a happy ending (which is kind of a new thing for me) and I was so relieved when it did! Also, I agree that Captain America would totally put a stop to anything going 'too far' before marriage. He tries to fit in with the times, but there are just some things that will stick no matter where or when you are. Excellent story!

Hakkuro chapter 7 . 12/21/2012
I just love this story and the plot its so addicting OuO
KHYAOILOVER772 chapter 7 . 10/30/2012
*huggles you* a job well done, i lovez it :)
ShoshonaRose chapter 7 . 10/22/2012
I love the last chapter.
BeeLeeGee chapter 6 . 10/21/2012
I love love love this story. Your fem!toni is awesome - it's the right blend of snark and vulnerability. I also liked the little pieces of Steve's thoughts in this chapter - it was nice to read how he feels.
I also love how you linked Toni's feels to your last story - her telling Rodey that for once she would like to be acknowledged as Toni, not ironman, genius, playgirl etc. Loki loves playing on those feelings.
There was only one thing that played on my mind as I read this story and that was the timeline. This was their one month anniversary and in the first chapter Steve seem to mention it the night before. As the story progressed, it was mentioned that Toni spent weeks planing it, pushing this aside. It just didn't seem to add up for me. Please let me know if I was missing something!
I can't wait for the next installment and in the mean time, I'll be reading your Toni/Bruce story - it's already awesome!
Aggie12 chapter 7 . 10/21/2012
I really enjoyed reading this story! Great Job :-)
i-am-the-wallace chapter 7 . 10/20/2012
I usually hate fem!tony stories but I gotta say, I LOVED this one. You made it interesting, I got a little confused since there were two Natasha's but other than that it was perfection. Great job!
ItsLazyGurl chapter 7 . 10/20/2012
Omg i loved this story and i can't wait to read more of ur toni x steve stories. U've done a wonderful job. I've rlly started to like this pairing thanks to u:)
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