Reviews for The Game
GreciaTenoh chapter 4 . 6/1
Acabo de releer esta historia y es fantástica, ojalá en esta cuarentena pudieras actualizar. Saludos.
GreciaTenoh chapter 5 . 10/16/2019
Oh por dios, esta historia es verdaderamente genial. La personalidad que les diste, la locura de Minako, la calentura de Setsuna, todo es perfecto, lo de la batalla de perversiones fue fantástica, morí de risa en esa parte, este estilo de narrativa te sale absolutamente genial, de lo mejor que tiene esta página, espero algún día termines esta historia, sería una pena que se quedara incompleta. Esperaré con ansias que vuelvas por aquí, saludos y espero leerte pronto.
rocknrollgirl chapter 5 . 4/14/2018
I feel so bad for Haruka. I'm always expecting her to snap and just blow up at setsuna or just storm out to go pout and cry. I think Michiru is being totally inconsiderate of Haruka's feelings and that kinda bothers me. But its your, story so you do what you like. Other than that, I have greatly enjoyed reading this.
Faol Ban chapter 5 . 11/19/2016
Omg this is incredibly funny, can't wait for the next one.
Leyla zinD chapter 4 . 3/31/2016
sorry...i sended my last rvw incomplete...I was saying that I'm looking foward to se the end of this hilarious story. Seriously dude this iq super wer written and funny... anyways keep it up. You are good and think about to finish this one story!
Leyla zinD chapter 5 . 3/31/2016
hello...I've been reading your story for a few months now. I'm not sure if you are planing pf finish this story but I would love to read a final chapter to the super funny and hilarious situations you
NekoNekoNi chapter 5 . 2/6/2016
Pleeeeeease finish the story! . It was confusing at first but so funny! I was laughing so hard at Mina's random question "Was there a cat dinosaur"? :D And please write more about the tension between Michiru and Setsuna! Please make it steamy :3 hehe
RevanHero-Villian chapter 5 . 7/15/2015
Oh my this is F cking hilarious, I can't get through a paragraph without practically falling on the floor laughing or face palming myself. You are a literary genius! I've read dozens probably more fanfics and this one tops them all. You have to put out another chapter because I'm hooked on this story, I need to know what happens.
RedMageXII chapter 1 . 5/28/2015
The Game remains my go-to crack comedy. Mama needs a fix. How many times would I need to review to bribe you into updating? I am close to cracking and writing my own fanfiction for your fanfiction, and that may push our very universe into an irreparable tailspin.
Kcal chapter 5 . 10/21/2014
Woo! An update, and a good one at that! Such a good read :) I'll be looking forward to another update
ServeMeTheSky chapter 5 . 10/18/2014
I always wondered about the living on an lifeless planet slash ice powers versus heat thing, but then shrugged and said eh, anime...

Hah, I think a slow-mo game of Operation is a perfect description for Ami and Mako.

Well, all in all, another brilliant chapter, with a quick side-trip into insanity halfway through! I'm glad the Reicat/Catsuna bit was kept from before, and I thought the Haruka-bashing was pretty amusing.

I can hold on for the ending, I can hold on for the ending, I can hold on for the ending...
autobotlover chapter 5 . 10/17/2014
One of the funniest, crazy, off the wall fics I have read in a LONG time! Love it!
What's-Yer-Offer chapter 5 . 6/21/2014
...Where's the next chapter?

You're doing so well! Half the time I dunno what's going on but it's hilarious and I want more.

Less unfaithful Michiru though. MichiRuka are codependent messes.
What's-Yer-Offer chapter 4 . 6/21/2014

I'm laughing so hard. I'm feeling my heart break for Haruka. I'm actually amazed at you :D
What's-Yer-Offer chapter 3 . 6/21/2014
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