Reviews for DMC: Sacrifices
PorcelainPowder chapter 27 . 12/10/2015
Really love this fic!
Thanks for presenting us such a wanderful story!
Warfang chapter 27 . 7/5/2015
Well, and there's the end of it. I must say that your writing improved along the way, and the depth of the characters is phenomenal. Your pacing evened out and the information withheld and displayed certainly made for an interesting read.

Thank you.
Warfang chapter 25 . 7/5/2015
Well, the story has taken quite a few twists and turns that I wasn't expecting, but I must say that I have overall enjoyed the story.
Warfang chapter 6 . 7/5/2015
Oh, goody. The boys are off to hunt leeches in their turf.

But Nero also got some answers about his arm, and the chances of being Vergil's son are rather slim.

And Trish saying the the vampire's smell bad as opposed to how Nero and Dante smell the undead perfume really highlights that there are different creatures involved in this case. But hopefully Nero's nose gets better at telling the difference and tracking them down, or else heading into the city for answers isn't going to get him very far.
Warfang chapter 5 . 7/5/2015
This chapter was great, and really on par with the first chapter I read.

Dante being late to pick Nero up- on purpose or did he really forget? Using Nero to lure out anyone trying to kill him would avoid having the leeches on his turf after all.

And Dante just not feeling like chasing down the blonde- more like it was pointless to chase after something long gone. And they seemed to regret having to kill Nero, even after the blonde surmised that her Master didn't want Nero dead, but Nero is more focused on keeping Kyrie safe.

Dante giving a list of instructions in a succinct manner and Nero relaying her message were quit in character.

Although, I wonder if Nero actually buys that Dante is protecting Yamato and isn't worried about Nero after hearing what his captain had to say.
Then again, Dante is off to do mysterious 'business' while Nero is there, and it doesn't sound like Nero is going to be devil hunting with Dante- yet.
Warfang chapter 4 . 7/5/2015
Well, Nero and Kyrie are getting along as about as well as can be expected, and yay for Lady offering to look after Nero.

But Nero finding out that Dante has a devil form and that his arm could be a partial transformation (resulting from the attack) raises questions about why the demon side keeps itself manifested at all times, instead of when needed.

And things appear to have straighten out character wise, they are acting more like themselves. The dialogue is running, and Nero is off to the next part of this adventure. But while we know who Nero's supposed mother is, that doesn't explain how he isn't related to Sparda, unless he's arguing that his mother conceived and died after Sparda was killed.
But there are multiple other variations of how he could be descended, but for now, Nero is operating under the impression that Sanctus lied, and that he isn't.

And yay, I hope the story really picks up after this. The fight scene earlier against Falor the vampire was really great to read, I'm hoping to find more like that in the coming chapters. .
Warfang chapter 3 . 7/5/2015
Well, this chapter made much more sense.

I"m supposing the 'mother' vampire is a general type, creating legions for her overall 'Master'. And now Nero has gone and given them the advantage. He may want to advise Kyrie to watch her back, but him leaving with the explanation he's off to see Dante could appease Balwin and stay the exile order.

Or at least Nero could ask Lady to watch over Kyrie after admitting that he had screwed up.

Also, Balwin throwing Nero out to protect Nero and the ones around him would have made more sense than the cover story of exiling him.
Warfang chapter 2 . 7/5/2015
Wait, Nero's reason for refusing isn't that Balwin decided for him, but because he finds Dante annoying? And maybe to a degree that Nero thinks he's the only one able to kill the vampires.

But that doesn't make sense. If helping Dante meant ending the overall threat, wouldn't Nero have followed orders? He's still a Knight, and he had no trouble following Credo's orders about hunting down Dante and reporting when he finished, so even after the whole Savior upheaval, he should've still followed orders to an extent.

Rebelling under threat of exile after reading that Nero values the Order very much after being suspended once just reads weird to me. And it's not as if Dante would have sent someone incapable. That included in that Nero knows nothing about his opponents besides how to kill them, while Lady insinuated that she did know more about them and packed the skills required to kill them.

I mean, I'm still interested in reading the story, but this was just out of character.
Warfang chapter 1 . 7/5/2015
I'm rather glad I've found your story as I've been looking for something to read, and I must say that your first chapter has certainly gotten my interest.

But Nero is quite in character and I enjoy that he didn't win the fight against the vampire easily, and instead rather killed it in a fluke accident.
Lemontention chapter 27 . 12/24/2014
This is what I call a hidden gem.

This was a wonderfully written story. Abigail was a good OC (coming from someone with an aversion to OCs), the lore of the leeches was good, and then Vergil. Well don't you know how to make a girl happy. The interactions between Vergil and Nero were written very well, and the epilogue is my favorite chapter because of those interactions.

Thank you for writing this. Happy holidays!
l'innocence chapter 27 . 8/30/2014
I enjoyed the story overall. I was thrilled when Vergil joined in. And I really liked the ending too. Nicely done!
Cielshadow17 chapter 27 . 8/28/2014
This chapter was awesome! I love how Nero and Vergil interact together! anyway you are the best and stay awesome!
Guest chapter 27 . 8/25/2014
Guest chapter 27 . 8/24/2014
"Father & son" time. Good chapter I enjoyed their conversation
SirenaLoreley chapter 27 . 8/24/2014
I really love these little moments between Vergil and Nero... Vergil behaves very much in character, too...
Thanks for updating! Take care and good luck!
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