Reviews for Magic Monsters Dominions and Destiny
OmegaKenichi chapter 11 . 3/1
Can you imagine how much of a dick move it would be to end a duel with a card like Hinotama? It'd be the ultimate slap in the face.
Anime100 chapter 26 . 6/25/2019
This and the prequel are so fantastic. You did an awesome job in creating this fanfic.

hope to read more fanfics like this again one day
YugiAtemYami chapter 26 . 1/7/2019
Mei1105, I don't see how you can say that the Witches, Wizards, Shadows and Souls series ISN'T funny when it actually is! I hope you rethink about a possible sequel! :)
Cornflower27 chapter 26 . 9/2/2018
Great story, the last scene with Akila moved me so much I cried.

Are you still going to post The Soul and Destiny Chronicles? If yes I would love to read them.

All the best,

Basket in a Nutcase chapter 8 . 7/14/2018
Okay someone needs to make a crossover between Yugioh and Bendy And The ink Machine but the only difference is Pegasus makes cards based off BATIM but then some kind of magical bullcrap happens and the cards are CURSED or something and HOOOOOOOOO I WISH I COULD WRITE GOOD STORIES
Basket in a Nutcase chapter 4 . 7/13/2018
someone's actually gonna die this time, I'm calling it right now
Basket in a Nutcase chapter 3 . 7/13/2018
It's okay man, it's hard getting any romance right if it ain't platonic if ya ask me
Basket in a Nutcase chapter 2 . 7/13/2018

oh no
Basket in a Nutcase chapter 1 . 7/13/2018
Hakurei Ryuu chapter 26 . 7/14/2017
and there it is. what a magnificent show you've put on for us. -applause-

i cannot BELIEVE i completely forgot about the kittens! just goes to show what a tightly packed and well-crafted story this is, that it takes place in the course of like a week. so much goes on in such rapid-fire that, like the characters, it's hard for readers to keep track of time. best way to do it, frankly.

you have officially made me ship ryou x malik. i didn't think it could be done. myaibou couldn't do it. but you just did. feel proud of yourself. :D

i also sincerely appreciate malik accepting that he is genuinely ill and needs help. positive portrayals of the mental health profession are the 2nd quickest way to my heart (after moirallegiences of course).

i'm not sure how i feel about yami's portrayal in this story. like i said before, it's ruthlessly, chillingly accurate, but leaving it on a note of "well he's just like that, nothing for it" feels like he didn't grow at all over the course of the entire series.

i do like your answer to that pesky old yami bakura zorc reveal, which frankly had been bugging me since years ago when i first started reading wwss. but it wasn't the first time i'd seen that particular plot twist ignored in fanfic, so i figured it didn't qualify as concrit to mention it. people can have different takes on characters after all. but this ties it all in very nicely.

it does leave the future of ygo characters a bit static though. yami appears to be content to stay where he is and not chase his memories, and without zorc!bakura to kick off that last shadow game it's unlikely he'll ever regain them. am i okay with that? not sure. but it's not a bad thing to want the status quo of your favorite characters to continue. plus the canon ending of ygo was never terribly compatible with your "two halves of the same soul" interpretation anyway.

probably the only thing i would wholly criticize is your portrayal of mai, which for me is consistently just short of the mark. critical bits of her development are either glossed over in a sentence or two, or happen entirely offscreen. mostly she seems to just be there to help along joey's development. i don't have a problem with that in itself, but i feel like after all she's been through, any peace or catharsis she has achieved that didn't involve snogging joey should have gotten a lot more limelight, IN ADDITION to being a point of development for joey.

i have less to say about the hp characters because i was never as invested in them, but they do provide a fantastic counterpoint and "outsider" perspective. malfoy in particular was excellently done, and i get the feeling you've been wanting some genuine development out of him for a loooong time.

i'm glad i finally got around to reading this; it was SO worth the wait.
Hakurei Ryuu chapter 24 . 7/14/2017
an ruthless and completely accurate assessment of our dear pharaoh. what's fascinating to me is that the japanese version of season 4 is actually ALL ABOUT this. during yami's duel with yugi, yugi talks about how yami lacks empathy, lacks the capacity to understand the struggles of others. season 4 is where yami is forced to learn true compassion, and not just for his small circle of friends, but genuine selfless love for the world. he had to realize that other people aren't just game pieces for him to move around, and their unique stories weren't just for his exploitation. he's no more important or special than anyone else in this world, except inasmuch as he has the ability to defend them. the whole experience transforms him into a truly good leader, a real pharaoh, who didn't need a restraining bolt in the form of his host.

of course this was all ignored in the dub, likely because the dub portrayed him as almost entirely heroic from the start. god help us if we get complicated heroes, eh? nevertheless, seeing it all laid out like this is really gratifying. i like it, and i can't wait to see what happens upon yami and hikari's reunion.
Hakurei Ryuu chapter 13 . 7/13/2017
heyyyyy so idk if you'll appreciate hearing from me of all people, but i finally reached a point in my life where the two required moods of "interested in ygo again" and "not really mad at mei anymore" have overlapped, so i gave wwss a reread, and continued on to mmdd, so here i am.

and HOLY SHIT am i enjoying myself. :D

i think i like fanfiction better when duels are discribed sporadically. not to say that wwss wasn't HUGELY impressive as an undertaking, but it shows more when only certain duels are fully written out (as is the case here) where my preferences lie. i will say that the ron/mokuba/pegasus/dumbledore duel seems like it could have been stricken from the story entirely without confusing anyone though. i love the idea of ron getting into duel monsters, and i love the idea of pegasus and dumbledore making friends. but dumbledore dueling, and mokuba playing the seal... both of those things rubbed me completely the wrong way for some reason. oh well.

other duels were spectacular. yami vs kaiba was somehow even more intense than their final match in battle city, which really is the only way to do those two justice. i sort of wish mai vs malik had been given a little (a lot) more attention, but i'm not finished this story yet, so maybe she'll get to face down marik and i'll get my catharsis there. sadly i did not pay much attention to bakura vs hana up until the very end, which, kudos to you, was COMPLETELY unexpected. and once i got over the surprise i just made a face and said "welp, i know where this is going."

bakura getting drunk off his ass is not the reaction i expected, but it was perfect anyway. XD

also, to my knowledge you still don't know much about trollshipping biz, but let me tell you: the way you've written yamis and hikaris is basically the definition of moiraillegience, and it is filling my heart with joy.

kisara is also filling my heart with joy. you may have stumbled upon my platonic ideal of kisara. i've struggled so much in the past with a good portrayal of her, and you've hit upon everything i ever wanted. i really don't know how i can top that, assuming FC ever gets back up off the ground, but i can appreciate having a high bar to aim for. :D

overall, i'm kind of astonished that you can have so many things go so inconceivably and unexpectedly wrong, ONE AFTER ANOTHER, but that is definitely why i'm giddy with excitement over reading this, and why i stopped to review my thoughts so far. you absolutely deserve it.
Frogluv123 chapter 26 . 3/22/2017

700k words of entertainment, truly a great series. Once again, minor errors considering the wordcount and an actual plot, not something you see too often anymore. It was a wild ride, and I'm glad to have read this!

the shipping was a bit much for me but i'm sure other people loved it.

overall, it was great, and i hope to see more brilliant works from you soon.
jaythekoala chapter 26 . 3/16/2017
Loved this story. Good crossovers never get the credit they deserve, perhaps because few people find them. But you merged both the words really well while maintaining their distinctive character... the duelists were still duelists and the wizards were still wizards, but they worked together really well. And the characters were spot on too (barring some over-the-top emotions (and let's face it, that's just part of Yu-Gi-Oh's DNA!)). I was reading all of the dialogue in the characters' own voices, which is perhaps the greatest compliment I can give. Thanks for sharing :)
RobynHood3 chapter 26 . 1/15/2017
I freaking love both of these stories! I've read them at least three times already! I just had a question: Are you still planning to upload that collection of oneshots for this story? I am so excited to read the bit about Bakura and the Pharaoh's harem!

Have a great day, Mei!
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