Reviews for Kindling
joanhello chapter 1 . 11/15/2015
Just realizing I should have reviewed this when it was new. Excellent little addendum, just the kind of think I could imagine as the post-credits vignette at the end of the movie version of "Rain on the Just".
Inventor of ZADRF chapter 1 . 8/19/2013
Love it! You did very well with your writing and the way you went about the story, but the biggest part of it, i thought, was the new set of conflicts you seemed to introduce...Do i see a sequel beginning to form for the near future? ;)
Electricboa chapter 1 . 6/16/2013
Oh, now that's just cruel. Now I really want that sequel, a super villain team? Come on!
BiblioMatsuri chapter 1 . 1/18/2013
...Who was that!? (I hope the site doesn't erase part of the punctuation. It'd ruin the effect.)

"Private organization" - supervillain alliance, or something very similar.

Intriguing, by which I mean, this has the potential to blow up like the proverbial powder keg - and Megamind and Roxanne are standing on the keg. Meep.
Aurora Marija chapter 1 . 10/5/2012
Oh wow this was the perfect addition to Rain on the Just. Of course, now I'm sitting here practically screaming for a sequel. Not sure why, but I just assumed a sequel was going to happen and that it would involve the Doom Syndicate. And now I see that you aren't sure you'll write one at all.
I hope you do. I know there are soooo many people who are hoping you do.

Anyway this was great. I loved the glimpse into the aftermath for Owen and the whole thing just had so much tension. I was figuring she wasn't just any old caseworker.
Saddlebrush chapter 1 . 9/27/2012
Hot Flash is such a BAMF! Rain on the Just was an amazing story, and I loved this little addition. :)
Oogy Boogy chapter 1 . 9/26/2012
Haha, Hot Flash is a nasty ass woman :D always love seeing more work from you, I hope it's not the last!
Vast Difference chapter 1 . 9/23/2012
Nice to see that you posted this on here, too... I know you still aren't sure if you'll continue in the "Rain" 'verse, but I sure hope you'll consider it. Because we all love love love it! :-D
Guest chapter 1 . 9/23/2012
Ha YESSSS! Just finished reading Rain on the Just today and now you put out...what would be an after credits scene maybe? :) A teaser for a sequel. God I'd have to say I'd love that, a sequel I mean. You just got the whole megamind universe spot on. I'd love it if you continued it, and this possibly hints to a group of villains opposing him. Maybe the Doom Syndicate? ;)