Reviews for Pain Management
Guest chapter 4 . 2/17/2016
I have a feeling. I call it Cuddy. Love this. And still love House & Cuddy.
Guest chapter 4 . 9/14/2014
This is lovely. Thank you for writing Cuddy and House. So heartfelt, and the passion, perfect.
survivachick chapter 4 . 4/3/2013
This was officially the last of the 43 fictions that I haven't read yet. Remembering I only gave reviews for hardly a third and you taking the time to reply to everyone... I might just start to run now lol But me not reviewing doesn't mean they haven't been awesome. Seriously not one single story has been a let down. JUST DON'T YOU EVER STOP WRITING! (Remember that one of the fiction's intro texts said that it would prolly be your last one? Yeah... uh no, don't do that.. like ever!)

First of all, "Cuddy's a thirty-year-aged aged scotch," .. i misread scotch as crotch - imagine my facial expression! oO I blame your awesome smutty scenes fucking up my mind :)

Then... I love how you can just come up with that random chit chat Hilson have - like all of that redhead banter just made me crack up!

I was drooling over the reverse psychology when House was obsessing over the fact if Wilson told Cuddy or not just because he actually wants her to know!

And damn your Nolan sessions just blow me the fuck away... are you a psychologist? I mean this stuff is so deep for just a fan or even a passionate fiction writer!

"Just focus on coming home to me." ... *weep*

On that note... damn Rochelle why didn't you break into those House writers' offices and fixed this before that shit got out of hand?!
BabalooBlue chapter 4 . 3/2/2013
Wow, this was great. This is the way things should have gone, this is the way Cuddy should have dealt with it if she'd had any sense or understanding of House. This is a 'Huddy' I can live with.
Very insightful and also well written. Oh, and before I forget - also hot! :)
Visitkarte chapter 2 . 3/1/2013
I liked this a lot. Why didn't they write it like this? I don't mind making them fail, it was meant to fail, but as Hugh says, it's not about what happens, but about how it happens.
myutopia chapter 4 . 1/6/2013
I love this story so much. Your take on House's infarction was insightful and Cuddy was tender, characteristic that she always so subtlety show and to highlight it here with such understanding and love, I feel that you've given the characters more justice than the show itself. I really wish you're one of the show's writers, I have a feeling it would still be running if the writers understand the characters as much as you do. I love all your stories and thank you so much for sharing! Please peep them coming :)
MrsBock chapter 4 . 10/24/2012
Wow! Just happened upon this story and I really enjoyed it. I like your portrayal of Nolan. So many fanfics make him into a jerk, but you really made him very insightful and realistic. I had always hoped the writers would have included Nolan in more episodes in such a way as you have. And, of course, I love stories where House and Cuddy actually work through their problems. Thanks!
Visitkarte chapter 4 . 10/17/2012
I miss this story! Is there a follow up coming near?
KiwiClare chapter 4 . 10/12/2012
I have just read your story, It was awesome so beautifuly writern!
Visitkarte chapter 3 . 9/24/2012
The best chapter so far. In canon this is a place when Cuddy should have left, admitting she had only use for a "fixed" House. Here, I'm curious.
Monika chapter 4 . 9/24/2012
Great Story, wonderful written. Thank you very much!

Boo's House chapter 4 . 9/23/2012
You write "shrink" very, very well. Excellent story!
justlobe chapter 4 . 9/23/2012
Oh my God! that was THE BEST fic i ever read in my entire life! i mean, this was waaay more than perfection. WAY MORE. i cried a lot. I really, really loved it. if this story was a man it would be Hugh. that's how perfect this was. really. thank you so much for these.
Loved, loved, loved.
newdayz chapter 4 . 9/23/2012
I think it goes without saying that this is what every Huddy fan held on to right till the last second of Moving On and then even into season 8, thank you for finally giving us Huddy's what we needed!
marss chapter 4 . 9/23/2012
This story is perfect, 100%.
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