Reviews for Notes From A Royal ScrewUp
Suzy P chapter 13 . 11/5/2018
Loved it. Wish it could have been longer. I hope there is a follow up.
Guest chapter 9 . 9/7/2016
Life isn't about getting excitement where and when you can abs taking advantage of people,if that's what it means to you then you're doing it wrong,life is what you make it,it's a chance for greatness,to rise and become more,not look around for your next kick,love should be a relationship with one person and staying with them,sex isn't what love is,love is pure,people say love is just a chemical in your brain,well no,sex drive is a chemical in your brain,Love is something so much better! That is eternal,not a stupid one nighter,but a forever of simply being together
Guest chapter 8 . 9/7/2016
I'm scarred for life! My Loki would never do that! In all the Nose Mythology,it states Loki is not a person who had pleasure sex,every time he's ever done it was with the intention of having a kid,except for with Sleipnir,that wasn't his choice
Guest chapter 7 . 9/7/2016
I'm Australian and I've neither heard nor said Axe-handle shoulders
Guest chapter 5 . 9/7/2016
*nibbles Beetroot,pukes,nibbles ginger root,dies on spot*
Guest chapter 4 . 9/7/2016
He lost his voice from playing Te clarinet? XD

I'm from Australia,I'm in Australia right now actually

BTW the word 'Jotun' is pronounced with a 'y' not a 'j' so it's more like Yotun
Guest chapter 3 . 12/2/2015
Well you were right. And I totally was reading the dialogue in Coulsin's voice lol. Marvel where no one dead stays dead.
Window Girl chapter 4 . 2/9/2014
"the only boarding schools people have heard of are Eaton and Hogwarts" very true
Rivermoongoddessqueen chapter 13 . 2/6/2014
I like this story. Are you going to write a sequel?
kitschglitch chapter 13 . 2/4/2014
NCB1 chapter 13 . 2/1/2014
Thank you for writing this. I really enjoyed it.
SoulMore chapter 13 . 2/2/2014
GlOmP3R chapter 13 . 2/1/2014
I loved this to hell and back ! It was kickass, and simply awesome ! There sure as hell better be a sequel to this! Like it will be set, say 2 maybe 3 years from now, where Loki is now king, and a changed man. He meets up with Thor, who is also king, the Avengers come into play, see a changed Loki, friendships are possibly made, but there is was or something of that sort ( maybe Thanks) and Loki, Thor, and the Avengers have to team up to stop it. Let there be angst, friendship, and pure kickass awesomeness insured. And I'm amagining that Jotunheim is now a very nice place thanks to Loki and the restoration of The Casket of Winters, there is a huge castle, and nice homes, a magnificent place. Oh- sorry I think I went a little out of hand, BUT I AM EXPECTING SOMETHING OF THIS SORT SOON ! Kapish? Good. I will be waiting !
Ava-Keep777 chapter 13 . 2/1/2014
It was enjoyable. Thank you.
Myth Queen chapter 13 . 2/1/2014
Tony's attitude towards the frost giants in the house is amazing. I love it! I also love Frigga, she's trying to hard to hope for the best but she's scared for Loki. It's so sad that Frigga and Thor are letting Loki go as son and brother! I teared up. But Loki telling Tony to marry Pepper - I laughed so hard! Loki and Thor's goodbye made me cry, too. This epilogue was definately worth the wait, I enjoyed this story so much. Thank you for writing it.
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