Reviews for My Hero
Guest chapter 6 . 4/3/2018
Wow your storytelling is phenomenal! The raw emotion in this short story had me aching to help them talk out their problems... Oof. Butterflies and knots in my stomach. Epilogue I could've done without, though.
Grahamgirl93 chapter 6 . 4/1/2017
Very good!
Ommallaredpanda chapter 2 . 4/2/2016
He humped to the sofa and he humped to the door?! Poor sofa & door! :P
Ommallaredpanda chapter 1 . 4/2/2016
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... I love Fenrir & all stuff Loki... & Marvel... :( this is gud tho! ;)
chibi-Clar chapter 6 . 2/18/2016
Awwww. I like this pairing. I like the story. Cute.
DarthNuggz chapter 6 . 12/6/2015
Kristin chapter 3 . 11/24/2015
I love it u should do the point of view of the different characters
Chameleonxx chapter 6 . 7/3/2015
Crazy-To-A-Tea chapter 6 . 6/14/2015
I likes rings and Hermione's sounds very very nice and very expensive she is right it is a nice gift. But I think the gift she gaving Fred is much nicer for its a little bit of him and a little bit of her. A family of three (for now at lesd) how sweet .
Crazy-A-Tea chapter 4 . 6/14/2015
Ohhh Fred new something was off about Hermione just like she did with him s chapterI or two back. Yes I was right he did what to be more then friends just like she did. But because of fear, confusion, and the fact that she use to date his brother put a hold on that. And he would have still that way even after she said she had fellings if Hermione did not sa wat she said about Ron. Well all I can say is think God she did. Know they just may have something . That is eat I'm getting from the kiss any way.
Crazy-To - A-Tea chapter 3 . 6/14/2015
Good Fred apologize and Hermione forgave him that is good too. I with Hermione I want them to be more. And I think Fred does to he is just to afred (hey he said so him self) and I believe hat he like Hermione is also confused. And now I believe Hermione is even mores so I think Fred is more afred the confused.
Crazy-A-Tea chapter 2 . 6/13/2015
A little think you go a long way dear Fred. Sorry but hr was kinda rude. That did not gave Hermione the right to be the sam way back to him but Hermione does not take rudeness very well no matter if it was absentmindedly or not. Plus before all the rudeness (or what ever you would call it) that happen between them. There was that kiss that was deffently not a pretend kiss nor was it a kiss that a brother or bother like figure would gave a sister nor a sister like figure. And then calling her like a sister right after that. I to would be confused (not that I'm not aready) then here was his absent-minded rudeness which call her to be rude which cause both of the to be angry. Oh boy!
Crazy-To- A-Tea chapter 1 . 6/13/2015
Good old Fred to the rescue. Happy that nothing happy to Hermione before Fred got there . Smart on Genny part to go get Fred. And good for Hermione for at less trying to get a free from that stupid chess dude. Eventhough she didn't untill Fred came but the point is that she tryed.
93 Diagon Alley chapter 6 . 2/11/2015
Great ending :) Glad I finally finished reading this. Good work!
TabbyGuin chapter 6 . 1/29/2015
As much as I adore the Fremione ship, and trust me, I very much do. I feel like this story was a little rushed. It was a very great idea, I just wish it didn't feel so rushed.
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