Reviews for Cove of the Moon
Nicky chapter 11 . 2/17
Such a wonderful story, I could’ve gladly read more! xx
pans-neverland84 chapter 11 . 1/12
what a wonderful story i love it
Eshny chapter 11 . 1/7/2018
I loved this story. I had no problem with the revenge scene, I thought it was fantastic. Great work!
ellede chapter 11 . 11/18/2014
Lady-Raettawy, I love this story. The Captain finding love with an adult, and that Captain being Jason Isaacs' beautiful version, is perfect. (No cartoons, buffoons or short-haired latter-day versions for me.) You set the story well, grounding it even in the dream sequences, such as the detail of Hook being able to recall from the stars that his dreams have taken him to Crete. I love his memory of making love with Maddie in the rain, something that has resonance for me. And yes, I loved him castrating and gutting the rapists at the end, and him and Maddie living happily ever after (and, who knows, maybe defeating the repugnant Pan simply by being adults knowing love and happiness despite him).

Thank you once again for writing this, and be assured it's going into my bookmarks list.
Guest chapter 11 . 4/29/2014
Well done! That was amazing!
ShadowCat97 chapter 1 . 2/18/2014
One of the best fanfics i've ever read :)
Guest chapter 11 . 12/3/2013
amazing story!
Lift the Wings chapter 11 . 7/12/2013
Just wanted to say I really liked this!
draco-severus-mmm chapter 11 . 3/8/2013
Well, my dear Raettawy, I finally read it from woe to go. And what can I say? It was beautiful. I'm glad that you were able to finish it, and it was such a wonderful first story. Thanks go to Laurie for beta-ing it, you couldn't have had a better beta, so to speak! ;-) Of course, if the raw content of the first chapter was anything to go by (the part you sent me), precious little really needed changing, if at all.

Looking forward to seeing what else you may produce that involves our wonderful pirate (who you captured so well).

R x
Fey chapter 11 . 3/4/2013
What a truly lovely story! Hook was everything I wanted Hook to be, you had him spot on and Maddie made for a wonderful, warm new character :) Well done.

I hope to read more of your stories!
Phoenix Rebel chapter 11 . 3/3/2013
Yes! And, they lived happily ever after! *waggles eyebrows*
Laurielove chapter 11 . 3/3/2013
Ah, bliss. A happy ending for them both! And he so thoroughly deserves it. Well, he does to us, doesn't he? This has been such a delight to read. Your characterisation of Hook is exceptional and you have captured his voice perfectly. I hope you will gift us with another Hook offering at some point. x
Avalon-Mist chapter 11 . 3/2/2013
Yay for a happy ending. I bet that they had a lovely reunion when she woke up.
starry-sky98 chapter 11 . 3/2/2013
Such a fantastic ending. I really loved this story and I'm devastated that it's over now.
capcomplover chapter 11 . 3/2/2013
Brilliantly finished.
I'm sad now - it's over!
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