Reviews for Finding Me
darkflame1516 chapter 38 . 8/13/2015
Absolutely STUNNING work of writing. I totally read through this in less then a day, I was so addicted that I had to keep going.

And it was just such an incredible ride! And you completely ripped my heart out with chapter after chapter (especially 37, I actually cried).

That was...amazing and heart-wrenching and fantastic and tragic, all at once.
Don't stop writing, this was wonderful!
Ms Saboteur chapter 38 . 2/6/2015
Loved it it was brilliant cried so much
Guest chapter 38 . 2/6/2015
Loved it cried so much but it was brilliant
Douxdel chapter 38 . 8/8/2014
I finished it! And I loved it! But I hate that you kill Tiberius! -sobs- It takes a lot for me to get so invested in OC characters, but OMG I LOVED TIBERIUS! -continues to weeps before she goes off to create a fanfic just for Tiberius- lmao j/k j/k :P BTW, I have officially read ALL your work. Keep up the good work! -
Lightbulb049 chapter 38 . 5/13/2014
Well it's finally done. Bloody good job if I may say so and i liked the later plot lines.
Thank you for the mention & cyber-cookie and i hope you keep up the fantastic writing.
Excellent work.
shadowstorm197 chapter 1 . 5/7/2014
I love the fresh prince reference
NicAm13 chapter 38 . 4/24/2014
Ugh...I just read this fic in one sitting...and I hate it. But I hate it in the way that I love the shit out of it for giving me hope and happiness and then ripping my damn heart out. I love how the theme was all about Sarah over coming her past and finding herself...and she does that in finding Tiberius. And as time goes on, some pieces collapse yes, but they are replaced by ones that fit even better (Riina and Violet...I love the choice violet btw...'purple' ..heh). And then BOOM, her cause for remaining who she is, is gone. (Pun intended). I cried. And then I hoped it was a bad dream. And then I cried some more. I would've like to have seen Vi..especially when the revelation was made that everyone thought she would be the one to hunt down Angel. (Love the archangel throw back btw). Riina, for hating her mother so much is an awful lot like her. It felt like I was reading the third part as if it were Sarah's current story at times.
Anyway, you have great talent and I will be sure to read your other works. Kudos!
Barleyguy chapter 17 . 4/18/2014
This had to be the most descriptive scene yet, not judging just saying, also I'm ahoy they're back together I thought they'd dodge around like before, and honestly I'm kind of sad Sarah's life hasn't turned out better knowing her parentage I think the shepards deserve some time off having people hunting them, I'm liking this fanfiction and will continue reading, also congratulations on completing the story can't wait to finish it so. Keep updating eh
Barleyguy chapter 11 . 4/16/2014
Haha barleyguy is pleased see Bonnie Tyler indeed, so Tiberius just figured it out on his own? Wow I'd be confused as shit if I was there. Friggin nice chapter, can't wait to read more so. Keep updating eh
Barleyguy chapter 3 . 4/16/2014
Hahaha red you better call Kenny loggins cause your in the... Danger zone! Haha couldn't help it nice chapter and I like how your slowing letting us know what happened to scar her the way she is. And I was actually expected her to beat reds score but eh. Nice friggin chapter so. Keep updating eh
Barleyguy chapter 1 . 4/15/2014
God friggin dammit this had got me interested allready what happened! Ahh frigg I'm tired, loved the chapter and Sarah isn't at all how I expected her. Looking forward to reading more in the morning so. Keep updating eh
Pendragon22 chapter 36 . 4/15/2014
How exciting, Sarah is carrying twins! Hope she's ready for that. I also hope Feron makes a recovery. He's pretty badass and I'd hate for something bad to happen to him. Anyways, I look forward to the next installment :)
Elisa M chapter 1 . 4/15/2014
I just started reading and am so excited... I've been looking for this topic for a while now!
Realdeadmeat chapter 35 . 4/11/2014
taylorjohn.jero chapter 29 . 3/16/2014
Im starting t get seriously curious as to who riina is supposed to be other than some kind of hybrid emotionally distant badass of some sort.
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