Reviews for 一百零八
Ragnarok chapter 1 . 11/22/2012
"The whole temple was in a craze of creativity for weeks as Byakuren's enthusiasm at Kaguya's suggestion of an emblem-making contest for the Buddhists' temple quickly spread (and much to everybody's surprise, Kogasa won)."

Oh, you.
Another Man chapter 1 . 9/7/2012
HAHAHA this sounds more like a handbook teaching readers how to use certain words in sentences related to the pair. Good job!
littleumbrae chapter 1 . 9/6/2012
Very interesting. I never would have thought to pair these two up, yet you made it work. I especially like number 5, when you use "other woman" instead of specifying who it was; we can fill that blank in with whoever we want to (probably Eirin or Mokou).

Anyway, just thought this deserved a fave and review. I hope to see more works from you :)