Reviews for Tiger's Balm
Seann13 chapter 31 . 5/14
Hi Ms/Mr. Hanabiaki congrats on making such a wonderful fanfiction about Toradora.
madtad1 chapter 31 . 5/4
Thank you for a lovely story!
madtad1 chapter 14 . 5/4
Just found your story and am loving it!
Alysia Of The Pen chapter 2 . 2/3
Aww! After his idealistic dreams can't be fulfilled due to real life, it's nice to see that they are still the same people. I love that they're falling into the same patterns of misunderstandings but still working towards a solution.
Guest chapter 31 . 2/23/2017
oh my god
so i was looking for some story in toradora
and i found you
and now i'm crying
basically no one makes a fanfiction about kano and kitamura
hazamaBlazBlueon chapter 31 . 1/15/2017
Best History Ever. Thanks for sharing this to our community it's just the best fanfic that I ever read !
Jileel chapter 1 . 3/10/2016
It's an absolute shame this doesn't have more reviews. It's a brilliant story from start to finish. I love how the relationship of Ryuuji and Taiga develops overtime. Really good pacing too. I look forward to any other work you write.
TigersandDragons chapter 13 . 8/31/2015
Seriously, 'i'd' instead of 'i'll', is English not your first language? Also what's 'the family restaurant'? Do Taiga and Ryuuji own a restaurant? Does Yasuko? Please dude speaky engrish preese.
TigersandDragons chapter 11 . 8/31/2015
Your grammar tries my patience, but I'm enjoying myself so far.
thebeastboy137 chapter 31 . 8/29/2015
Everyone that knows me knows that im a pretty cold-blooded guy, but i have soft spots for many things, including Toradora! and this fanfiction, me and my girlfriend cried our asses off while watching Toradora! and reading this fanfiction, so thank you for writing this fanfiction!
deathgun chapter 3 . 7/16/2015
You BAKA makes no sense, I mean really, English and Japanese language in one sentence, u absolute nerd.
hanabiaki chapter 6 . 6/18/2015
Dear reviewer named Harry - actually they are no longer in high school. Ryuuji is in university, Taiga is a teacher, Kitamura is in US and only Ami is attending the same university as Ryuuji. Minorin has left to pursue her baseball career. Yup, that's about it. Not sure where the misunderstanding happened, but just wanted to clarify.
Harry D. McChode chapter 31 . 6/12/2015
One huge goof: What are Taiga, Ryuuji, and the others still doing in high school? If this story is supposed to take place after their separation, they should've graduated already. If they are attending college instead, you should've clarified that, and even if that's the case, there's still one huge goof. Kitamura wouldn't be attending the same college as Ryuuji since he's attending school in America to chase after Sumire. In the story, Kitamura went on the same school trip as Ryuuji. It doesn't fit in with the Toradora timeline. This story was overall pretty well-written, but this one plot goof was rather elementary for a Toradora fan. If you fix this goof, I would be glad to write a more positive review.
just another guy chapter 31 . 2/26/2015
Now I'm reading long ways after this fan fiction was released and I must say it was 11/10 this was my favorite anime ever and when I came across this I read it three times through I say best of luck to the author and that his relationship be as the tiger and dragons was.
KwongTN chapter 31 . 2/24/2015
Excellent story!
I'm glad I'm one of those who followed till the end! :D
Wish you good luck in your future life!
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