Reviews for There's Never Been So Much At Stake
MegaFrost4 chapter 17 . 9/25/2019
A worthy sequel! Love me some Stony angst! And Spideypool was great! How protective Wayde is of Peter! Natasha and Pepper I still love, just wow! I really wish you would do that Superfamily sequel! I love this "Ever Fallen" Verse so much! Seriously! Ever Fallen is one of my favorite Stony fics!
AJ-Wolf-AJ chapter 1 . 5/18/2019
I love everything about this wonderful fic. The romance is believable and raw and the characters are perfectly portrayed
justanotherpalace chapter 17 . 7/12/2018
Random Fan chapter 13 . 2/10/2018
I don't even know if you're still using your profile but PLEASE do the sequels! You have at least one fan who'd read them!
Bmarye13 chapter 1 . 5/13/2017
Wow! Just Wow! I have never enjoyed a fanfic as much as this one. It made me laugh, it made me cry, I was so invested in all of there lives. I LOVED the pairings! It was pure genius! I loved the first avengers movie, however after reading this I wish it was the movie! You captured all of the characters so well, I was really impressed. Being a teacher typos and grammatical mistakes really bother me, but your story was so thrilling I could care less. I just wanted to know what happens next. I really really really really want you to write a sequel to this ( if you haven't yet). I need to know what happens next!
Thanks for a lovely read!
BloodyRose1979 chapter 17 . 10/1/2016
Loved every second of this story and the previous one. Every couple was written beautifully and each had their own feel. Really looking forward to the next one. Thank you for writing this, it was a real treat.
AzucenaXshadows chapter 17 . 4/26/2016
Another great fic.
I still feel like tony and steves problem weren't
Solved. Hopeful that will b addressed or solved in the next fic

Thank you for sharing
Moonlight's Mist chapter 11 . 2/28/2016
I fricken love deadpool
EspirituDelMar chapter 17 . 9/7/2015
Can't wait for the sequels you have planned, especially the superfamily one. I hope you post it soon! :)
Pineapple chapter 1 . 7/28/2015
Whoop whoop
Where's my super family?:)))
Celaj15 chapter 12 . 7/21/2015
I remember how awesome it was when I saw the Avengers the first time. Legit fanboying so hard inside at how amazing the battle was. :D
LynDea chapter 17 . 7/5/2015
I hope you'll it's been a couple years since this story but I hope you're still planning on doing the sequels. I'm excited for a Superfamily sequel as well as more Clint and Bruce.
LynDea chapter 13 . 7/5/2015
I can't wait to read the sequels! You are an amazing writer and I love your new take on this!
SKPNJerseyGirl21 chapter 17 . 6/28/2015
I definitely enjoyed it, funny and I love the Spiderman and Deadpool combo...very creative.
YourWorstDaydream chapter 1 . 6/19/2015
This story was so good. I enjoyed all the pairings, which is rare for me, but you wrote them out so well.
Out of all the things I loved about this, I think I enjoyed Spidypool the most. Again, this is rare for me because I've never seen the point of shipping them before. Now you make me want to go out and find some!
The dynamic of the characters was entertaining, how you kept up with the movie lines and added your own to change into your own AU. That in itself was like wordsex for my mind. You have no idea how much I love a good story (and a little slash to go along with it) and you gave me the best of both worlds.
I don't know if you made the spiderman/deadpool fic yet. but I'm hoping it'll be out soon if not!
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