Reviews for Behind the Dorky Look - UNEDITED
Random person chapter 3 . 1/4
This story is absolutely HILARIOUS! Especially when they kept answering their questions before they even said them and the water spitting too! LMAO
fluffstabber chapter 28 . 5/10/2018
i love how u focused first on the progression between the characters but I hope u start out with the thing where amu sings with ikuto
fluffstabber chapter 1 . 5/9/2018
what i dont get is the reason why they decided to become dorks in school.. is it jist they dont want attentiom or something?
Happy chapter 18 . 8/18/2017
reader chapter 20 . 5/1/2017
Mulan and frozen references you must like Disney, but that's no problem because I like Disney too... and I'm 23.
reader chapter 14 . 5/1/2017
If I was her I'd sucker punch him so hard he'd be in a coma for a month.
reader chapter 13 . 5/1/2017
And bimbo does not mean slut, its a derogatory term used to refer to air-head individuals. :)
ladybug02 chapter 2 . 3/22/2017
I likey! time skippies are a nice break form the usual time skip. ;3
Amulet Star chapter 35 . 3/12/2017
Just wanted to say that I really like this story and please update soon. LOVE THIS STORY.
Guest chapter 11 . 1/28/2017
Aww the playboy likes Fie️️️ Can I go to the wedding?
SugarFangirl chapter 4 . 1/22/2017
I'm kinda sad that Ikuto said those mean stuff about tadase. Eat like a girl? Breathe like a girl? How can you breathe like a girl? I LOVE THIS STORY SO FAR.
WALRUSvsUSA chapter 34 . 1/10/2017
you've grown up so fast omg. Do what makes you happy! It's so wild
Unknown chapter 34 . 1/9/2017
skorpina18 chapter 34 . 1/9/2017
Glad to know you haven't given up on this, it was a fun story and knowing it's going to be rewritten makes me want to read it all over again. I personally pick A. Since you yourself don't like how the chapters look, replacing them seems like the better option. Regardless, I'm looking forward to the next parts!
SilverInu93 chapter 34 . 1/9/2017
i love this story the way it is but i can under stan replacing the chapter with better versons.
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