Reviews for Thin Lines of Fate
JanxxTheWolf chapter 1 . 10/13/2012
Thank you so much for the happy ending. I have always been heartbroken that Loki's children were sentenced to terrible fates because of something that they SAID they would do, though they did nothing wrong.

I loved your story. I love your story. I will forever cherish it and pretend as if it actually happened.
Ynath Esrith chapter 1 . 8/29/2012
I agree with you, Odin was trying to avoid his fate by sealing Loki's children away. Ragnarok is inescapable, supposedly, so what's the point? It's like Oedipus running off to avoid killing his father & marrying his mother - and then doing exactly that, unknowingly. Besides, I always thought that by throwing out Loki's kids (and torturing them, in the case of Fenrir) - and by murdering Loki's other two children (and binding Loki with the entrails, beneath the snake's venom) - the gods *created* the instruments of their own destruction.

Ironic, that. So I like the idea of Loki fighting fate, too. Perhaps he'll be more successful.
9shadowcat9 chapter 1 . 8/29/2012
I still think it was a self-fulfilling prophesy but meh, I like this fic. Would've been an amazing story from your summary of it. :)