Reviews for Harry Potter The Thief
Guest chapter 7 . 9/29/2019
Thank You for the interesting premise it suggested, but unfortunately your execution has too many faults to properly enjoy it.

Firstly as others have stated, the summary suggests something entirely different than the way the story goes.

Secondly, you might as well have used OCs after all, as there is too much missing backstory, such as what point in the Burn Notice timeline the Burn Notice characters decided to go the route of joining a Theives Guild and why, along with explaining how they happen to be magical (and how that might have changed the situation).

I will admit to a chuckle at the idea of Fiona choosing "Boom" as her name though.

With Remy and Rogue, the question becomes whether the X-Men and all that it entails exists in your version. Iff not: what their backstory is in how they met and things ended up at this point. If so: what the situation is with the X-Men and others in the Marvel Universe (and how much of the Marvel Universe would still exist in your version) that they wouldn't be doing things with them in those battles or having their aid in the Voldemort situation.

Padma and Luna joining things seems to come across as too accepting of things and not really questioning it, basically resulting in them being Mary-Sues themselves. And while I could possibly buy Luna being so accepting of things, given her original self's unique outlook and personality, Padma being a part of things just doesn't seem to make sense.

I also have to agree with another reviewer's point that Voldemort was highly focused on magic, and the idea that he would be a master swordsman seems rather unlikely. Plus I too had been expecting Harry to do a neck-snapping after tackling him, given he did so quickly with Death Eaters shortly before that.

I realise you put in the summaries of all your stories that they are AU and OOC, but there needs to be a point where you have characters acting how you'd expect them to in various situations and enough backstory to explain how things differ from the source material, or it becomes simply a matter of a story set in a certain universe with almost everyone being OCs, but with stickers with names from that universe (and whatever other universes are involved) slapped on.
nomdemprunt chapter 7 . 7/14/2019
This wasn't at all what I was expecting, as I found it on a list someone made of Dark Harry stories, and the blurb had me thinking that somehow Harry would be scheming his way into taking control of the Death Eaters right under Voldemort's nose, but it was a fun read regardless. I think the part that confused me the most was that you didn't mark this as a crossover while drawing from (I think) three separate fandoms. You kept saying Rogue (Marie) like it was meant to mean something and I finally got annoyed by it enough at the end to Google it. For a character with essentially zero screen time it was an odd way to refer to her. That said, I really enjoyed the crossover with Burn Notice, though it would have been interesting to see a more in depth backstory for how Harry came to be with The Guild and the apparent adopted child of Fiona and Michael. It's an interesting idea and one that I would imagine could have spanned far more than a couple of paragraphs. At any rate, thank you for sharing your story with us.
Hardy chapter 7 . 10/9/2018
I like the story
I wished you had Dumbledore try to convince him to stay just to be turned down
JD4320 chapter 7 . 8/19/2018
gotta say, loved this fic. founx the writing and characters very entertaining. this could use a sequel.
Cwhit930 chapter 7 . 3/21/2018
Thanks for the share. Enjoyed this fic
SafeT2nd chapter 7 . 10/7/2017
Really awesome story!
Guest chapter 7 . 8/8/2017
Fun read
Guest chapter 3 . 6/25/2017
Seriously give burn notice and Xmen some credit for the characters please
Guest chapter 3 . 6/25/2017
Burn notice is awesome but you make me think of Sam because I haven't seen him yet
Harry-the-ninja chapter 7 . 1/20/2017
I like that I am a master swordsman.
SilentSnowLeopardNinja chapter 1 . 11/5/2016
I finished the story but almost forgot something important. Your summary. It's misleading, the way you phrased it had me thinking Harry was going to convert voldy's followers into being his maybe even steal his magic or replace him as the new big bad and revolutionary wizard. That isn't what was given. Not saying the story was bad just that it wasn't expected at all.
SilentSnowLeopardNinja chapter 7 . 11/5/2016
Hooray it's over! I don't understand why Harry didn't just snap voldy's stupid neck when full tackled him from above. It was the perfect opportunity. Instead he made a bloody show out of it which could have backfired.
SilentSnowLeopardNinja chapter 6 . 11/5/2016
Hmph. Well at least the Luna relationship was cleared up. How disappointing. And voldemort suddenly being rumored to be a master swordsman? Laughable. That fool never cared for learning physical means of defense and offense unless it was using another's body. His sole focus was always just magic. And nothing else.
What was with that strange moment of not being able to do magic briefly and yelling out insults of tricksters? Very odd.
SilentSnowLeopardNinja chapter 5 . 11/5/2016
Why. Is. He. Asking. Padma?
He's with Luna, he better not be dissin the Luna!
SilentSnowLeopardNinja chapter 4 . 11/5/2016
Why is he so attracted to Padma when he has Luna? He doesn't even focus on women like that.
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