Reviews for Bodyguards Never Sleep
etherealtulip chapter 39 . 1/21/2018
aha that last bit
Killua Lawliet chapter 6 . 1/5/2018
OMG I'm dieing at the Peeves Winry and the "lady thing" nit
Mental Incapacity chapter 6 . 12/16/2016
Frodo Baggins?
Mental Incapacity chapter 14 . 12/15/2016
check mate kills the king not the queen. just thought you ought to know.
Mental Incapacity chapter 13 . 12/15/2016
when I first found this I thought "oh look, another CsAg" but when I started reading I think this is way more fun and friendly as opposed to all shipper shit. I am excited to read more.
ghoost chapter 44 . 7/24/2016
Wow, this is an absolutely brilliant story! There are so many things about it that I love. For example, just the little things like Ed being sent to protect Draco rather than Harry because honestly, Harry has more than enough protection, and the short panic attacks that Ed has that show that he's not as strong as he thinks he is (he's done things he regrets and he's seenthings that nobody ever should, and he tries to cover it up for the sake of his little brother that he works so hard to protect and to keep up his image and his pride but sometimes it just slips through and he /can't stop it/). I love how in character Ed is, how he's sensitive about his height but still admits (albeit quietly) to himself that he is rather short, how he's also mischievous in some ways and how he didn't stop Hermione from punching (or was it slapping?) Draco in the face because gosh darn it Malfoy's obviously a jerk and Ed couldn't care less. Snape's suspicion of Ed was perfect and worked really well with the plot, unsure of who exactly Edward Elric was but also surprised at his adeptness in potions and his intellect in combining muggle chemistry in an otherwise macially made potion. I thought it was also interesting that you included Bradley as a bit of a hint to upcoming events on Ed's side to spark the insecurity of, 'can he be trusted?', along with some character development to both Crabbe and Goyle who are generally seen as bumbling idiots. However, I feel like there are several things that could have used some improvement. For one, the relationship and contract between Edward and Lucius. Early on, Edward was threatened by Lucius to have his arm cut off. Who gave him the information that Ed was the son of Trisha and Hohenheim and he has two auto mail limbs? If it was Fuhrur Bradley, what would he gain out of telling Lucius that? The threat also seemed to be insignificant in the long run, sans the tension and dissaproval that Lucius has towards Ed. Perhaps if Edward we're to have to report to Lucius every week, informing him of the doings of Draco and how he was doing, it would be understandable seeing how Lucius would be in the know of how Draco wasn't being all that protected by Ed and would further threaten him. It would be interesting to see how that would go: Lucius threatening Ed by having him loose his place in the military, but Bradley can't let that happen, because he can't let on the very important human sacrifices just slip through his fingers like that. Which kind if brings me to my next point: why did Bradley send Ed to be a bodygaurd for Malfoy undercover when a perfectly capable military personnel could do the same in plain sight? I understand that it's for the sake of the story, but an explanation should be made here. I suppose that Lucius didn't want Draco to know how scared of Voldemort he really was, to not let him know he was in danger, but why Ed? Bradley wouldn't let the Fullmetal Alchemist go to a country in a far off land, to a school whose location is unknown and sheltered, especially when there's a mass murderer on the loose that could potentially kill Ed targeting said school. As the story progressed, I found that you often got Ed's auto mail limbs mixed up. To clarify, Ed's right arm and left leg and prosthesis. Also, the day in which Al, Riza, and Roy come to Hogwarts was very unexpected and didn't fit very well into the storyline. How did no one notice the giant armor (other than that group of girls) and the two stange military people thay walked around with the new transfer student? Agh, I'm sorry about the critique, this is truly a great story (also, sorry about the super long essay of a review). I love the way the plot moves and the writing is phenomenal despite some strange points where a sentence is broken between paragraphs. This story is beautiful and I would love to read more of it. I know that maybe you'll never see this review, or you'll never update your story, but I just wanted to say that if you're going to dust off this story and continue it, I'm all for it! Thank you so much for the time and the devotion you put into this story! I hope you have a wonderful day!
Katastrophal-Rot chapter 44 . 1/15/2016
Por favor continuarlo que esta muy buena su historia!
aewea chapter 6 . 12/26/2015
awesome!I loved the chapter
TragedyInBlack chapter 44 . 4/26/2015
...nooooooo...It was so good...
DreamFire6 chapter 44 . 8/11/2014
This is a great story! Please keep it up! UPDATE! UPDATE! The wiritng worm's after you now! ;D
DreamFire6 chapter 29 . 8/10/2014
Whoa, I totally did not see that coming. Crabbe? Really? That's an interesting turn of events. I love how you've twisted this story. :D
Fullmetal Arrow chapter 40 . 7/29/2014
Why do you keep saying the three griffindors when there is only two. Edward is Slytherin, remember?
ThreeGoodReasons chapter 44 . 7/25/2014
Please! Updaaaate...!
Original name2 chapter 44 . 7/24/2014
Hmmm... I love the story, but it might be better if you friggin update it! I don't know if it's personal problems ( if it is, then just ignore this like its a female on her period ) or pure laziness, but if it's the latter then get off your ass and write something! Other than that general bitchiness, You're story's the bomb! But still, UPDATE!
incarnate of evil chapter 44 . 5/29/2014
I would like to see an update soon. Curious as to what reason is going to be given as to why Ed isn't walking around as a soulless husk after being kissed at the lake.
Update soon please! :)
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