Reviews for Little Lessons
Guest chapter 1 . 11/8/2013
That was perhaps the most in character I have ever seen these two in a fanfic...That was great! I want more, wonderful job keeping the personalities straight. It made for an enthralling, believable, enchanting read. You made my night. Thank You I look forward to seeing more of your work.
Shizaki Kuro chapter 1 . 2/25/2013
LOL loved it!
Thanks for writing!
Finalay chapter 1 . 9/21/2012
It's very lovely. I really love how you characterized them. XD
Miyavilurver chapter 1 . 9/8/2012
3 Lovely as always! And I feel the need to mention how much I loved this little exchange:

"True. Finding someone who can stand you is quite a task."

"Shut up man!"

I seriously love how IC you keep them!