Reviews for Through Her Burning Gaze
Guest chapter 9 . 12/2/2014
"Some say that is wise to forgive and forget." No, it is naive to forgive and forget. It is wise to forgive, but not forget. That's how you learn to overcome this obstacle.
srghostarc11 chapter 10 . 1/16/2014
Wow. After reading this, I'm forced to up the ante with my in-progress fic. It kinda have a similar theme of FP's thoughts after her break-up with Finn.

Now I wish I won't be too influenced by this fic while editing my own...
shadow-dog18 chapter 10 . 10/11/2013
wow that was just awesome i loved the battle and i hope they show how she is handling her new role well that and her and finn get back together again anyways wonderful job on this 3
PhantomHermit chapter 10 . 10/4/2013
Just, woah!

I've read the two-part of this portion and it is awesome! You, good ma'am, have inspired me how to do my own story.

I won't worry about Flame Princess. She has Cinnamon Bun, her best friend, to guide her and Finn to protect her, although she can protect herself.
sunshineg9 chapter 10 . 9/28/2013
Wow. This is sooooooo i can't even describe it. You just did an awsomely awsome thst is cool!
Tobi-Is-Fluffy-Chan chapter 10 . 9/19/2013
This was beautiful. I love it. I wish for them to get back together in the show, but you pulled it off. Amazing! Just awesome. Awesome, Awesome. I love it .
PhantomHermit chapter 8 . 9/17/2013
Woah. Just, woah...

Right now, I'm speechless... Just wait for me to write a decent comment after I sit in a corner and cry...

Despite being more of a BearBats (or Finnceline), I believe that this ship will not sink! It's not yet over! Fight for this!
PhantomHermit chapter 7 . 9/17/2013
Why didn't I read this earlier?

Okay, having a psycho family is crazy, yet memorable because of the time spent together. Crazy as it may seem, but it is still family.

The epilogue just kind of riled me up, especially when she said that "there are subtler ways to do it." I can almost imagine them doing it. Plus, Jake kinda needed that revenge since he humiliated Finn and her in front of her family.

One more, "It would be a dream if your family wasn't here." I'm beginning to wonder what kind of dreams is she having about him...
Kristin chapter 1 . 9/14/2013
I love this fan fiction. I think it is probably my favorite fan fiction.
PokeMaster366 chapter 10 . 9/10/2013
Flame Princess finally taking control of the Fire Kingdom still rubs me the wrong way. It still doesn't permanently solve any of the current problems she has with her matrix and her family. If emotions in general can trigger a reaction like romantic feelings did in "Burning Low", she and the world are still in danger. Sadness, grief, and anger can be just as volatile to her as love is. The only difference is that those negative emotions take a longer time to build up and are more painful to deal with both physically and mentally.

*sigh* Maybe one day, a solution other than Prismo wishes (don't care either way if he's dragged into this, though) can be found/revealed that doesn't involve undergoing an emotional lobotomy.

Great story, SCIK1012. Your Flinn (Finn x Flame Princess) fics are always a great read.
Tsuneo chapter 10 . 9/9/2013
Ugh I hated this episode soooooooooo much. Sure I was glad that Flame Princess finally found a purpose but I still can't shake the feeling that something bad will happen to her or she will just become one of the Princess' seen once in a blue moon.

Also the fact that I'm really sad that Finn and Flame Princess wouldn't get back together, and probably won't unless something happens to her. I don't want anything to happen to her but I don't like that both her and Finn are hurting each other by not being together anymore :(
Paradyce chapter 10 . 9/9/2013
If i sound a little too shabby in this review, I apologize, I'm still having troubles on getting used to DST and it's been a really exhausting day overall (5PM and I just wanna sleep).

Anyway, the chapter: whoa, I know FP is pretty much running on naivety turning into resolve (especially with naivety king over here), but I'm not complaining, despite it's questionable origins, that's a great resolve. And what CB lacks in brains, he has it in heart.

Well, great resolve doesn't mean great orthography, that's for sure, but it doesn't matter, to the Fire Kingdom and... well, that sounds like a pretty mean way to deal with Flambo :(, anyway, moving on, that's being meanly honest about the 'visit' part. As for the fight, you are the only one to blame, Flame King, you brought this on by yourself, David Anderson looks at you in shame... but if there is good to be found in your actions, is what they generated in the end.

Anyway, their meeting, and it's good to know what's going on through FP's head in this (oh poor naive FP, so much hope in CB that MIGHT be misplaced... I think I just realized why 'Earth & Water' never got to me, it's impossible for me to get serious when that half-cooked bread is around XP).

Say all you want FK, you're non-existant for me now. And even in hesitation, FP's not alone, and that rock... means everything. Also, and this may be my own experiences mixed with a bit of sleepy crankiness, but I'll say this now: 'Responsability demands sacrifice' is bull junk!

Anyway, I'm glad I have a couple of hats in handy here SCIK, so I can put it off and bow before you, for this was definitely the best chapter in the entire fic, and the episode itself just did half the job, congratulations.
SharpieSam chapter 10 . 9/9/2013
"Responsibility demands sacrifice."
Wow that really made me tear up. Amazing as always. Keep up the good work!
NeoNimbus chapter 10 . 9/9/2013
It's been a while, but it really was worth the wait. It was good to see your take on how Flame Princess and Cinnamon Bun overthrew the Flame King and took over the Fire Kingdom.

Anyway, this was a very good chapter and despite the fact that Finn and FP are friends, I do have some hope that they can restart the relationship from the ground up (even if it's just wishful thinking).

Overall, great job on this chapter!
SeliniErastis chapter 10 . 9/9/2013
Oh, Cinnamon Bun! Show me your philosophy, show me how to be like you (I think it only takes to reduce some mental works hehe). I like him more than I did before, he was the key to Flame Princess realization and happiness and he did it... well, being himself. BrOTP!

And... WOW! That scene was more than great! The wait really worth it. Many of us thought in Flame King like a "softy-caring parent" in the deepest; but know... I think Magic Man could be a better father. That was shocking I must say (even my roomate was shocked in the "I don't remember losing anything" scene!). Very Shakespeare-ian all this mess. Dear FP: Maybe you have the same blood as your father, but you're not your father; we have optons, we can choose.

Hail the new Flame King and her right-hand!

Man, this scene was completely unexpected. I had a mini-heart attack during the show, I couldn't believe it! And then, the encounter. Oh, so many feelings! Sure she still love him, but everything was so rushed and he betrayed her confidence... he's lucky being, at least, her friend (and here is where our hopes lie).

Flame King and his stubborn attitude, always trying to mess with his daughter mind. But you won't! She's free, she has good intentions, friends, candles and a rock; she has hope.

What is that that I was going to say in the previous chapter and wanted to say in this? Ugh, I can't remember... Oh, yeah! THIS IS STILL ALIVE! Is up to people like us to keep this ship alive. Our hearts are broken, but the darkest time of the night is just before the sunrise.

Awesome work. I hope this is not the last time we see her appearences "Through Her Burning Gaze". See you soon and that the universe bless you!
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