Reviews for Watch the World Burn: Take Me Apart
Anon chapter 1 . 1/3/2013
You, um, have seb scream "James", not jim. Why?
Anon chapter 1 . 11/18/2012
Oh my god, I literally cried at how sweet this is. I did a whole "marathon" of all the chapters and parts today, and I love how their relationship moved from beginning to end. Ah, so amazing!

Since I am a writer myself, I know that it can be a bit irking (but not always!) when people do this, but... WRITE MORE!

Oh, and I think my friends hate me now, since I've been talking about all the Watch the World Burn fics nonstop for, like, a week.

Now to go read some Johnlock!
thisisforyou chapter 1 . 8/25/2012
*sigh*. Why do I love these two?

They're just so... where did the whole "Tiger"/"Kitten" thing come from? It's so cute. Everyone does it, it's one of those things now. Love it.

"For each man breaks the things he loves." Especially true of Jim Moriarty, I would guess.

I haven't read the whole of the rest of this series, but I've read bits of it and your other MorMor stories. They're really... I hesitate to use the word 'beautiful' to describe these two and yet it kind of is.

Now I'm going to have a Nana-nap. Thanks very much for this.

-for you!
thebermuda chapter 1 . 8/24/2012
Eeek, so much smut. And I must admit, I do not mind at all. :) I love the sweetness you manage to add to Jim and Seb.

Thanks for writing this.