Reviews for Rose Be the TentacleTherapist!
Guest chapter 60 . 2/20/2017
This is a work of art! I've been reading this for a while and I'm sad to see it abruptly ends here. If you wish to stop writing that's your choice, but this cliffhanger is like a itch that won't stop bugging me. If you choose not to continue, then someone else should take your place. Who will take your place, I do not know. But if they are as talented as you are, then I'm sure they'll make something beautiful!
Guest chapter 60 . 5/7/2016
I need more :') Seriously, I can't stop thinking about this story. I'm all like, "Omg, what'll happens
Guest chapter 60 . 5/3/2016
Yes, I know. Let's just look at the date, heh. It has been 4 years since the last chapter. But. Please hear my calls and continue this great, great story! This is the best HS fanfic I have read. Like. Ever. I really want to know what happens next :') This story is beautiful. Please don't let it die.
Kyourin chapter 20 . 1/26/2015
Been reading this fic like an obsession. I love it so much!

At first, I didn't know what to think because the characters didn't have their own line of dialogue when they speak; everyone's lines are mushed together into one paragraph (makes it hard to tell when someone new is speaking sometimes) and it urks me because I am an English major. But I saw the reviews, the amount of words written, and the amount of chapters this story had and thought I'd give it a shot. I'm so glad I did.

You capture the characters really well. It actually makes me like Gamzee more - that scene in this chapter where he's so happy he's found Rose made my inner moe squee with "awww!" and I keep re-reading that scene. I hope, as Rose continues to help Gamzee, Gamzee can help Rose, in turn. Keep up the good work! I'm gonna wind up binge-reading another few chapters most likely before I remember to review again.
Kakurosu chapter 48 . 1/21/2015
ok i was WROOONG this i cannot deal with'
get the armor and lazer shields
Lalonde's bad memories like that NOPE
does not exist is not existing wont ever come to exist
it is nothiiiing
it has nothing to do with anything AND it is JUST fiction
just focus on Gamzee and his clown antics,
much better
Kakurosu chapter 39 . 1/20/2015
i do not know how you do it
and neither do i know whether i care to know or not
i am just thankful you can write this, and chooses to
Kakurosu chapter 28 . 1/20/2015
oh gog...
the suspense
the intense suspense
this fic
i have not yet found its equal
i must read on
i hope the rest is as good as it have been up til this point
Guest chapter 60 . 4/18/2014
Its been two years since an update has occured and i am downing in my own tears rn
Guest chapter 43 . 4/17/2014
"He Is Being LEWD!"
Im laughing so hard from imagening a frazzled up kanaya more or less yelling this at karkat omfg
moonlit mage chapter 60 . 9/27/2013
I...I miss your writing. I hope you're well.
GalacticExplosion chapter 60 . 9/24/2013
PLEASE UPADATE THIS! IF YOUR NOT GOING TO THEN TELL US! OR PUT IT ON HIUATUS! BUT PLEASE PLEASE PLEEASE DONT MAKE US WAIT WITH SUSPENSE FOR SO LONG! I HAVE A SERIOUS ADDICTION TO THIS MARVELOUS FANTASTICAL BEAUTIFUL TEAR JERKING HEART BREAKING HILARIOUS AWKWARD NOVEL THICK MASS OF WORDS! Help! This is such a good story! I mean it is soooooooo unberably hard to find writers like you anywhere. I think out of the literal thousands (because yeah i have no life) of fanfics i have read, there have only been 3 authors including you who have managed to captivate me with their story. You manage to blend awkward, humor, angst, and a whole fuck all mash of other stuff seamlessly together like a master of masters designer would do. I have read your other rozee fic's aswell before hand ( admittedly i didn't know they were from the same author till after i read this one *total facepalm x2*) none the less however you maintain an impeccable record in writing
proficiency and skill. I will be truthfull in saying that yes, before this fic rozee was a slightly crack ship for me, but as only the most skilled can your in depth perception on the ship has completely thrown me through a loop, and its ranking borderline OTP (unfortuently palegamkar ranks number 1 currently however, i just cant get enough of them!shajdhxhaks so cute and feelsy xxxxD sjxjdh) so i begging you, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE UPDATE/ tell us its on hiatus/tell us your sorry but you havent been able to update the past almost year because blah blah blah/ ANYTHING! I'm dying here! My blood pusher is gonna fail me! Send help! Send an ER! SEND AN UPDAAAAAAAATE! (Btw in case you were wondering, yes i do happen to cosplay a serket(vriska to be specific) i just was to lazy to type with 8's tonight...) so to cap off, smashing job keep it up!, UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE PLEASE PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE, annnnnnnnd ...hummmmmmmm... oh yeah i wanted to tell you that you should think about writing your own book or something (bet you'd make billions, who knows you could be the next J.K. Rowling)
Brainless Genius chapter 60 . 7/18/2013
Hi! I just wanted to tell you that I LOVE this story! I would have read it all in one sitting, if I didn't have to take breaks to eat and sleep. When I played the third part of Openbound, I remember thinking while reading the conversation between Rose and Gamzee, "Hey... these two might make a really good (crack) ship." Then I read this, and I am definitely going to add this to my ever-growing list of ships. My favorite part of the story is when Rose thinks Gamzee was Jaspers, then sees the trolls and thinks they are going to eat her, so she calls herself a "furious wizard"!
I really like the way you wrote the characters' interactions, especially the ones between Rose and Karkat. I find it hilarious that she would have an urge to pat him on the head. :D
However, I think there are two OOC-related things you can improve on. First, I found Dave's flirting with Rose at the beginning of the story to be just a tiny bit weird, (even if he was joking) seeing as they were pretty much horrified that they had been flirting pre-Sburb, when they realized they were siblings.
The second thing is that I think Rose has more self-control than to keyboard-smash and use fangirl Japanese, even in the most adorable of situations. Other than that, I can't really find anything wrong with this amazing story.
I hope you update soon!
Guest chapter 60 . 4/1/2013
You know what would be the best? If drunk Rose kissed Kanaya just as Gamzee was walking into the room. Yes. That would be too perfect for words. Like, the ultimate revenge. He'd be super pissed, but then he'd realize that he doesn't have a right to be. Though I'd probably result in the biggest shitstorm ever, I actually think Gamzee needs a taste of jealousy in order to understand how Rose feels.
Archer8 chapter 60 . 4/3/2013
Ahhh! Nooo! How can I be at the end of the chapters?! I can almost smell the plot twists waiting just around the corner! Rozee was just a crackship when I started this fic and now it's like... borderline OTP! I really like that you keep the moirails in the picture instead of brushing them off. People (and trolls?) need more than one type of relationship!

I'm kind of two minds as far as speculation: Either Gamzee will flip after the stair kiss and drama will ensue, or it will be "okay" and Rose will be pulled in to "Club" and there will be something about Equius' blood? Ah! That would be awesome and I hope it's not too far off the truth! There's got to be some reason CanonGamzei kept both seers busy?

I feel so bad for Rose and I keep thinking where's Karkat? He's supposed to be the Knight of Bonds, right? So, if he saw the bonds of his group fraying what would he do? In canon he doesn't have much reason to keep track of Rose, but here he seems like he would be more chummy or is it too early in Rose's downturn for him to be worried yet?

The style in this chapter is so good! I definitely felt a little tipsy reading it and poor Rose must feel even worse. Poor Rose.

Just. Thank you SO MUCH for writing and posting such an awesome fic with great characters and story lines! I really look forward to hopeful future updates!
angelwolf123 chapter 1 . 3/30/2013
*reads the newest chapter* "FUCK!"
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