Reviews for The Fine Line Between Anger and Peace
Dragonflyer73 chapter 1 . 10/28/2013
You are very talented. I saw the seen in the episode and after reading your story, I would swear that's how it happened on screen 'cause I could see it in my head. To second a previous review, this is now canon for me.
nerdsdoitbetter chapter 1 . 2/1/2013
Write more? :D
ktikat13 chapter 1 . 9/5/2012
Very nicely done, loved it :-)
Guest chapter 1 . 8/24/2012
I like...
maokingyo chapter 1 . 8/22/2012
I repeated to watch Triggerfinger several times. I like that episode, but I always get some weird feeling. Now you gave me the answer why I always feel bad. So Carol should react correctly. I am sorry that I think carol never hit anyone. But she should say something, when someone treats her in bad way.
You are awesome.
SOA loving mom chapter 1 . 8/22/2012
Very emtional. Loved this...I like how it dealt with the raw emotions of the scene. You are a genius lady:)
TrixPandawan chapter 1 . 8/22/2012
I'm not sure about this story, I mean, I love the way you wrote it, is nothing wrong with that, but the idea of Carol slapping Daryl in that moment seems wrong. I believe you tried to write a stronger Carol, but for me she couldn't be stronger, she stood there, hearing all Daryl has to say, without even complaining; even though his words had hurt her the most, even more than Ed's words and punches, she stood there and that was exactly the way she showed Daryl how strong she was and he knew it, or at least that's what I thought.
Although I would love to know what happen next, I know this is a one-shot and that you're super busy, but maybe you can write another chap.? Please!
Daryl'sVixon chapter 1 . 8/21/2012
More please more? this would make a good longer story, beautiful start and i think this is how she should have reacted to his words, stronger more like the Carol she can be.
ochitduzon chapter 1 . 8/21/2012
Very touching! This is actually my favorite scene in TWD! The best dialogue, best acting and best chemistry!
hopelesslydevoted2svu chapter 1 . 8/21/2012
SepticLovebite chapter 1 . 8/21/2012
This was really lovely little one shot! Would've been nice if that scene had played out this way!
LopezG chapter 1 . 8/21/2012
I just got back from getting a tooth pulled at the dentist today. I'm in pain and uncomfortable. So imagine for I felt finding this gem in my e-mail. This is such a wonderful one shot, that I jus twang to pretend that this is what happens in the show. Thanks for making my day a little less numbing.
hockeydrmr9 chapter 1 . 8/21/2012
INCREDIBLE ... so wish that was what happened on the show ... great way to extend the scene and you were sooooooooooo in character (especially for Daryl). Great job girl ... :)
TriviaQueen chapter 1 . 8/21/2012
If it's okay with you, I'm going to take this as canon, and imagine they just cut out the bit from just before Carol hits him on the TV. Fabulous stuff - it's great reading fics that lead on from real episode moments, as it's so easy to hear the real voices & see all the little movements you get with the real actors. Great stuff, thank you!