Reviews for The Scowling Queen
Lintunia chapter 2 . 11/8/2016
This story is so good, Will you continue this?
axayashinoceres chapter 2 . 3/27/2016
This is already the rewrite? Well, darn it's really good. Please update soon~~ The plot is too interesting to let it go to waste :-)
savvylo chapter 1 . 3/15/2016
OMG please update. I beg of you!
i'mnothungryfordogfood chapter 2 . 3/1/2016
A beautifully written story, I enjoyed reading it. You have a wonderful way of describing the story, I love how you wrote the characters. Alfred is just too adorable, and his fascination for Arthur is beautiful. The chemistry between the two is undeniable, and I loved every part of it.
I can just picture how their relationship will developed, something forbidden I hope, always did have a soft spot for those kind of stories. I hope Alfred can do something to alleviate Arthur's oppressive life.
You've probably received many more reviews telling you to update soon, I would also like to request the same, I would really love to read a complete version of this beautiful story.
If you ever read this review please know that you are the who got me hooked into this pairing and in the Hetalia fandom. Thank you.
LadyBaby chapter 2 . 1/11/2016
Please, please, pleeaaasssseee update soon! Thi's is fantastic and I'll go crazy waiting for another chapter! It's too good, my heart can't handle it!
Seychelle chapter 2 . 1/7/2016
This is amazing! This story is already tugging at my heartstrings. Please update soon! Your writing style is also clear and everything flows well. That''s another thing that makes this story such a good read.
Swinny Fluviru chapter 2 . 12/30/2015
that was beautiful. it's the making of a classic asdfalkg /my he a r t
Silver4ngel19 chapter 2 . 8/10/2015
Please update this soon, I can't wait for the next chapter! :D
Ellothere chapter 2 . 8/2/2015
Hi again! I thoroughly dislike my phone. It's too bloody sensitive. And I hate it's bloody microphone. What the bloody hell didn't think I was trying to say!? I was trying to say that I am extremely glad that William is in OC. He isn't deserving to be a king! He doesn't act like one, and he doesn't have any desire to rule his people well. He is a repulsive arrogant selfish cheating asshole that doesn't deserve to have Arthur as his queen! Go forth Alfred! Go save Arthur! Anyway, you have an excellent plot, it's quite original and it's an amazing take on the cardverse! I would love to see where this goes, but I probably won't since the last time you worked on this was last year as far as we know. However, I have read all of your other stories, and you are quite a brilliant author. You have an excellent writing style, and excel at making me fangirl! Keep the great work on all of your stories!
Ellothere chapter 2 . 8/2/2015
Ello! It's ridiculous how disappointed I am that this story has not been continued since last year. It's a lovely story with a very nice plot and I love US UK, so that's always a plus as well! Why original and I'm quite glad that William is an OC because I would be devastated if that was one of the Hetalia characters! I love them all to much! Good he is a repulsive salting are tol good he is a repulsive bloody asshole!
Binnyford212 chapter 2 . 7/8/2015
Even though it is only two chapter I am already in love with this fic. The writing is good and he characters interest me. Keep up the good work!
Unbridled-Dolly chapter 2 . 6/25/2015
Please don't stop writing this! It's such an intriguing Cardverse AU, probably one of the best I've read. It would be such a shame if you didn't pick it back up again, because I am a hundred percent sure you are able to write it exceptionally well.

3- Dolly
lucember chapter 2 . 3/8/2015
It's so beautifully wtitten. Its been some time since you didn't update. I check occasionally to see if you updated but sadly no new chapters. It will be a waste if you didn't continue such a good story. You know your story was what got me hooked to the usuk pairing. Yes it is just that good. Please update soon.
Kuro.Suu chapter 2 . 3/4/2015
Wonderful story, i love your style at writing it.
Waiting expectantly for an update ;)
pinkturnip9876 chapter 2 . 3/3/2015
I know you read his through all your reviews but this is a very good story. I love the idea of it and the way you arrange sentences. You have to update! I'm dying to know what will happen next. And, don't worry you are the right person to write this story!
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