Reviews for Of Wounds and Rain
F0RBLU3SK13S chapter 1 . 10/31/2012
Damn, stole my thunder (was totally gonna write a fic a lot like the first half because of the same picture)

Anyway other than that... Really great work! I like your style quite a bit
DeletedandGoneBye chapter 1 . 8/26/2012
O.M.G! Let's see...
GillytheAWESOME chapter 1 . 8/26/2012
I was crying during the story. ;A; So sad, happy ending though :'D, my inner fangirl was on a sugar high when Lovi kissed Spain and asked him out too, and she died at the war flash back part XD.
Daemi Charonte chapter 1 . 8/20/2012
That was amazing, i nearly cried while reading it. listening to Hide and Seek by Imogen heap throughout most of it didnt help though... But i love the story. -
RainingAzalea chapter 1 . 8/20/2012
I love this story! The ending was so cute... I love happy endings :D

It was so sweet how Romano threw his pride away for Spain!

Anyways, great story, loved it! xD

KeepCalmAndHaveATomato chapter 1 . 8/20/2012
This was so adorable at the end and just everything before that was just filled with awesomeness and emotion. I loved it :)
Little Phili chapter 1 . 8/20/2012
Cute cute cute cute cute cute cuuuuuuuuuuuuuute! I just loved it! I mean I found it amazing how you made Lovi think about Toni's past wars. Just so cute! You are an amazing epic awesome of awesomness writer!
Kensy Echo chapter 1 . 8/20/2012
The story's just too cuuute, I can't help but get touched by Lovi's memories of Spain in war. But I really love the last words Spain said in the story XD it's kinda funny...

But I sometimes kinda confuse with the timeline becuse it suddenly changed to Lovi's memory but suddenly changed again to the normal time. But it's okay XD

Good job!
Elli Seychelles chapter 1 . 8/19/2012
My stories aren't awesomer than yours! comment pouvez-vous dire cela? (how could you say that?) Yours are obviously better than mine, I'm only good at ideas and making the character of hetalia say stuff, that's about it... oh and weren't you going to put "I don't want you to snap to just spend your days sleeping because you don't want to remember!"? Oh well I'm not judging you (I need some kind of signature like your 'Kiwi \(*0*)/)