Reviews for He Knew
Y-C-H-3000 chapter 1 . 10/18/2012
so sweet :) loved it
The Yankee Countess chapter 1 . 8/26/2012
Oh my gosh! How did I not see this until now? This is such a sweet story, perfect in size, and perfectly gets tells us how Branson is growing in his feelings for Sybil-and I *love* what you did there, where you wrote "notice" on a separate line...brilliant visuals. And speaking of visuals, your descriptions were fantastic, while at the same time being "just enough"-not over descriptive, but just the right amount to easily paint a lovely picture in one's head. Great story! Keep up the writing!
i'll-cover-you-x chapter 1 . 8/20/2012
Such a good story about Tom's character. I particually like him driving slowly when it's just her in the car!
BelleLitteraire chapter 1 . 8/19/2012
You always leave me such wonderful reviews, so it is such a pleasure to return the favor, and I'm so glad you are writing! This was a lovely one-shot. There are too few Tom-centric stories, and this is a nice distinctive story. I really like the measured rhythm of this piece, and the repetitive use of "He knew", which you thoughtfully twist at the end. Keep writing, my dear! :)
piperholmes chapter 1 . 8/18/2012
sigh, so sweet, so adorable. I love the nuances of this story, the subtle ways Branson loves Sybil. This had me smiling so much! Loved it!