Reviews for my brother's keeper
Misty Blue chapter 1 . 1/30/2013
Wow... I... don't even know what to say. Everything here... everything is so vivid, perfectly pictured. The heart of the matter, the main thing, their relationship as brothers and best of friends... all is told here. Now we delv deeper ito all this. All that the brothers really are... or were.

This piece is exceptional. Totally wonderfully-written! An excellent job, a brilliant fic!
UnendingSilenceOfSong chapter 1 . 11/5/2012
ok. Wow. This is amazing, you did a wonderful job with them.
wbss21 chapter 1 . 9/3/2012
This... this is absolutely brilliant. Man, I'm not even sure what to say. It's just so emotively vivid, if that makes sense. You've managed to convey the absolutely tragedy of this whole thing. And make so clear what caused Loki's eventual degradation and fall.

I thought the flashbacks to their childhoods were incredibly written. Just beautifully done. And you've captured the voices of these characters exceptionally well. I love how you bring out Thor's almost blinding confidence and carefree perception, and contrast it so sharply with Loki's own doubt and questioning and fear. His strange reserve compared to Thor's exuberance. Like he knows nothing is going to work out in the end. I just love how you've brought out Loki's great intelligence too. I'm not even really sure how to describe it, what you've accomplished here. But it's incredibly well crafted and truly beautiful.

The way you shift back and forth between the present and the past, really highlighting why Loki's loss is so heartbreaking. Every line of this story is perfect. And how you've brought to attention how truly significant and in he end, ironic, that line from the beginning is, when Thor says "I'll hunt them down and slay them all." How that relates to the entire story between him and Loki. It's immensely poignant and tragic. How this fate seemed so unavoidable for the both of them, despite how much they clearly loved each other. The way you've written it and presented it is almost like a poem, and I just think it's gorgeous.

And perfect, last line to end on. "And slay them all." Wow, that just says so much.

Amazing job, and I hope you consider writing more stories between Thor and Loki in the future! I'll be sure to follow and review each and every one!
indd chapter 1 . 8/27/2012
Such beautiful writing. I can actually picture the imagery. Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed this.
Alexa Skywalker chapter 1 . 8/18/2012
Wow! This was amazing! Loved it! 3
Lady Charity chapter 1 . 8/18/2012 sad and yet so lovely. I liked how you dealt with the ending of this story quite a bit. Ugh, that's really saddening. Good job!