Reviews for The Other Side
lilyevans0825 chapter 19 . 8/16
Love it
BadeCabbieTandre chapter 30 . 11/25/2019
More Of the story Where is the rest more
Guest chapter 15 . 11/24/2019
Why did you do this to me it was about to be a happy story you made me sad ):
emilaysjonas chapter 30 . 12/25/2018
Gah i love this story! It was such a fun read!
emilaysjonas chapter 24 . 12/25/2018
I'm so glad Jade forgave Beck. I felt so bad for him :(
emilaysjonas chapter 23 . 12/25/2018
Good lord this is a terrifying situation!
emilaysjonas chapter 18 . 12/25/2018
They such a cute little family!
emilaysjonas chapter 17 . 12/25/2018
Good lord, you have me at the edge of my seat!
YesImJade chapter 30 . 5/2/2018
this is officially my favorite bade pregnancy/parenting story. I’ve been previewing and searching for a story like this... I’m so glad I finally found it. you’re an incredible writer and this story was truly amazing. you captured the characters and their personalities and relationships so well and I was pleased to see Tori was not portrayed as the bad guy, that Beck and Jade cared about things other than sex, and that the characters weren’t just caricatures, they were human. in addition, as someone who is around babies a lot and is very knowledgeable on the topic, I am always frustrated with the way people unrealistically write babies and and the milestones and timing and everything. this is the most realistic representation of a child and its relationship with its parents I’ve seen in a fic, so thank you for that. I also adore your name choice for both Shiloh and Emmeline. finally, I thoroughly appreciate that this story is actually completed and I wasn’t left wondering what happens next and feeling like I wasted my time. I have no idea if you’ll see this considering this story was written a long time ago (I think, if I remember properly), but if you do, I want to say I hope you’re still writing and that you have an incredible future ahead of you.

Ellis97 chapter 26 . 3/3/2018
For the record, Beck is Indian. He was just born in Canada.
I hope the loneliness ends chapter 29 . 10/11/2015
Beck gets jealous, defo
Felkje chapter 30 . 6/21/2015
I absolutely love this fiction. It's so nice written. Now i'm ready for the eclipse (which is even better, from what i have read so far). I hope you will do a follow-up on that.
Anyway thank you for the wonderful story!
Mystic Fairy Tame chapter 30 . 6/14/2015
I liked it. To the favs
Axel0913 chapter 30 . 4/28/2015
Extremely cute!
les chapter 15 . 12/29/2014
Such a twist. Really good
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