Reviews for Bad Timing
Epic chapter 5 . 2/17/2016
This should be a story without a happy ending
lili200986 chapter 20 . 10/13/2015
Wouah, j'ai adorée ta fiction, elle est magnifique, très bien écrite, j'ai adorée merci beaucoup !
Guest chapter 20 . 3/10/2015
Saissa chapter 20 . 12/14/2013
Assistant Director DiNozzo? WOW.

Congratulations Tony - in surviving leukemia for a second time, for your beautiful wife and daughter, for the great job you now have and for just being you.

At least now, I hope that you have stopped calling Tim those god-awful nicknames. Those are NOT the kind of names that any assistant director should be calling one of his employees.

Interesting story. A little too much of Tony being too proud to accept help and support, and a bit too much of Abby with her whining and nosiness, but otherwise a good story.
Saissa chapter 19 . 12/14/2013
Gibbs promising to never headslap Tony again? That is a laugh! Sorry that will never happen. It is so ingrained into Gibbs to be a bully that he will never stop being a bully. Those headslaps will continue...
Saissa chapter 16 . 12/14/2013
A bone marrow transplant is NOT the same thing as an organ donation, right? So if either Tim or Gibbs's bone marrow works for Tony, then they can both go back to being field agents right?
Saissa chapter 12 . 12/14/2013
God I hate Abby for being so goddamned nosy. When is she going to learn that her friends have a right to privacy and that they do not to be telling everyone every little detail about their lives?

If she complains - I just need to say - Gibbs. He did not mention Shannon and Kelly. He told a flat out lie and said he was married 3 times and not 4. If he protects his privacy that strongly, then I have every right to protect my privacy as well.

Oh and I would also be demanding that Abby stop hugging me when I have NOT given permission. If she hugs me one more time, I will be filing a complaint against her for sexual harassment.

Otherwise good story. I hope Tiny survives. Chemotherapy is extremely poisonous and often the patient dies from the chemo rather than the cancer.
Lliaaame chapter 20 . 5/20/2013
Arrrrgh! This is soo good! I hate you, my god! Its midnight on a school night and I was planning on getting a decent nights sleep. But no, your story had to be amazing and suspenseful and angsty with a perfect ending! I couldn't stop reading! Too good! I want more. :)
Guest chapter 20 . 4/29/2013
I really really like this story because it actually gave me ... I would say hope
keep it up youre doing a great job
Kiwi-Hunnii chapter 20 . 4/28/2013
this is one of the best stories ive read in a while. i have to say i was getting ready with my tissues because i thought Tony was going to die and the last chapter be a grown up Alexa talking to the team about their memories of Tony so you took me by surprise. But i am glad you didn't kill him lol :) can't wait to read more of your stories :)
Gracealma chapter 20 . 3/19/2013
Good story. I love when love can get sick people well.
Iamsumbody chapter 3 . 2/21/2013
Poor Ziva :(
ladyaloysius chapter 20 . 2/17/2013
Wow! You had me in tears several times! Very, very good writing! Can't wait for the next one!
hayleydinozzo chapter 20 . 1/18/2013
Thank you so much for writing this story. Its so much unlike what I've read before. But, I was so sad to see it end. More chapters, pretty pretty please?
Bob015 chapter 4 . 12/26/2012
Why a Hickman not a Port?
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