Reviews for Digimon: Infection
PandaRed chapter 23 . 3/25/2015
Finally caught up. Just wanted to say, keep up the great work. I'm loving this unique take on Digimon. Linkmon's the coolest.
Axalion chapter 22 . 8/1/2014
Hey again, great update, very happy with Legion's abilities. Guess I'll have to wait to see if Verus really will go down that easily. Would you be able to give any comparison of the power of superior digivolution compared to others?
Thanks fot the great read,
Axalion chapter 21 . 7/1/2014
Ok, so this was my first time getting in to the Digimon fandom and unless something in the water is going comepletely wonky and by that I mean conpletely right with you authors this may have set the bar extraordinarily high. This was fantastic, I love the characters and Digimon that you've created. Your research into the Digimon lore is breathtaking and the world you've created is vividly unique enough to feel real and natural to the point where I'd almost expect the real Digimon to go in this direction at some point. I can only hope that some programmers share your dream enough to make this reality!
The DIGIrus or Verus as you just hinted are a very cool (ran out of synonyms) idea and the moral choices you've implied is really something that I think every fan of the franchise wonder about. I'm glad you've been able to portray it so well.
I have a couple of problems though one doen't really count. The real one is that I feel like many of the early characters have been edged out and I kind of miss the interaction with them. This kind of leads in to the second which is that many of the main characters seem to be left behind and we see nothing really being done with them. One of the best parts of the series is the interactions between humans and Digimon and the many ways it can take shape. When you only focus on Linkmon and Kurohi it kind of feels like nothing else really matters when your initial introduction of them led me to think I would see them more. Finally, and this is only half serious, where can I find fan-art or concept art. I really really want to be able to see these characters that you have so vividly created.
Anyways, thank you for everything and making my intro into the fandom amazing. Good luck with all of your writings and I can't wait to see what else you can do!
Thanks again,
DragonXDelinquent chapter 1 . 2/1/2014
Not to nitpick but wouldn't Hackmon fits better as an ilegal partner?

Dorumon-X antibody prototype and Guilmon-hazard could fit as well
OMAC001 chapter 5 . 11/21/2012
Love this story. I have seen a lot of Digimon MMORPG stories. Lets hope you get to finish this one.
Rales Mckoy chapter 1 . 8/15/2012
I like what i see. Its a pretty good start and I cant wait to see the next chapter.