Reviews for I Try to Be Someone
Mari chapter 46 . 4/28/2019
Sorry I just, I love this. Will it ever be continued . I know I’m like 7 years too late but I mean? Come on! I just. I’m so in love with this.
BelleRose2542 chapter 43 . 7/26/2013
Oh, my gosh, this is amazing. Just finished reading the whole thing in one sitting, and am blown away. Your characters are *fucked up*, but in very real ways, and their struggles are heart-wrenchingly tangible. I completely agree with Kurt, that this is "funny, it's haunting, it's gripping, it's devastating, it's profound… it's beautiful, Blaine. It's scary beautiful". Please continue!
TRIC4R chapter 46 . 5/16/2013
Sweet I hope there's more..
TRIC4R chapter 23 . 5/15/2013
The whole revelation was reallllllly goood
TRIC4R chapter 7 . 5/15/2013
Loving your story!
xalx chapter 46 . 12/31/2012
I'm officially addicted to this story. It's perfectly written and wonderful and you deal with a lot of difficult issues with grace. :) Please update soon!
Blaineandthepips chapter 46 . 12/13/2012
This is really captivating - I look forward to learning more about the plot of Blaine's musical. Good luck!
Nightingale63 chapter 46 . 12/9/2012
Interesting chapter; seeing Holly's problems (and her solution) from her point of view. Glad that Blaine is willing to listen to her, and is such a good friend. I also like your portrait of Paul: the average guy, who is missing from a lot of tales, frankly.
Eponime chapter 46 . 12/9/2012
Poor Holly. I never really thought about how school is like that. She makes a good point when she says that extroverts aren't pushed into being introverts. Now Blaine just needs to put his understanding skills to use and accept that a bit more!
Paul seems quite nice, and Holly happy in Whitefish, so that's great. :) I hope she manages to stay clean.
Eponime chapter 45 . 12/9/2012
Blaine is extremely wise. He truly thinks about things. He isn't afraid to admit to himself that even though he might not agree with someone's views and actions, he can understand them. Many more people need to be like Blaine. This story really makes you think, which is a wonderful thing. :)
Nightingale63 chapter 45 . 12/8/2012
Maybe that's why this play of Blaine's is so dark ... interesting. I think Kurt's attempt to try to get Blaine to work this through is sensible, but Blaine isn't letting himself off the hook. Considering that, it's amazing he can even cope at all (though of course we know that for a long time, he didn't).
NorwFan chapter 45 . 12/8/2012
Yes, no secrets is probably a good thing, Blaine!
Hannah chapter 45 . 12/8/2012
Oh Kurt.. Forever trying to fix everything and everyone. I love how he knows Blaine "better than he thinks".

Thanks for these frequent updates, they are like early Christmas presents. :)

I especially liked the end of your chapter: "So I guess with Kurt, there will be no secrets. And I guess that's a good thing." Very nice.
gentlereader4u chapter 45 . 12/8/2012
Absolutely continue to love this story and so happy for the many updates! Thanks :)
Nightingale63 chapter 44 . 12/7/2012
Blaine's found a new drug: collaborating on his play. Awesome, really; love the description of the creative process, and how the meeting of the minds went. Blaine could have been a musician in another life? Ya think? ;-)
This story continues to be so good, so glad of your updates, whenever I see them!
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