Reviews for Set, Spike, Dive!
ReaderNotAWriter85 chapter 7 . 17h
Amazing story. Absolutely loved it. Thank you so much for sharing this with us
2old2write chapter 7 . 7/17
In case you are still around after all these years, a giant THANK YOU for taking us to the Olympics in London. Not sure how I managed to miss this one along the way but have really enjoyed bingeing the whole thing this afternoon.

From the chance meeting at LAX to the Village cafeteria, from the excitement of the volleyball Ice Queen and red headed goofball to the nerdy long shot, and all the excitement of the medals, the thawing of an ice icon, the old partner and boyfriend, and the final upset in the pool. And FINALLY, our two kids find themselves alone and come together in love. All exciting, fun, hilarious, nail biting, joyous.

How can we not just smile beautifully as all our friends and family enjoy and celebrate together.


Thank you, thank you.

If you do see this, hope it finds you safe and well, as we fight through these strange and interesting times of COVID, BLM, and all the new not-normal. Take care; be safe...
Harakan chapter 7 . 5/11
Well i was reserved at first for this kid of story because its not easy to write this type of story but you nailed it even mighty Chinese in diving and trampoline :). The whole last chapter was intense funny but the end of was just LOL with Sarah question great work well done.
Harakan chapter 6 . 5/11
You really done it you make it like it is real and that we are watching and cheering him out to succeed even to beat a Chinese but every medal in there is good medal. Maybe was not good to see the pictures of Sarah scare from him but on the other hand can be hell out a good motivation if only was not good enough to know that he is diving for a medal in Olympics.
Harakan chapter 5 . 5/10
Like the chapter really what going to happened medal or the girl or both technically he is miles away from medal but who knows...
Harakan chapter 4 . 5/10
Well Beckman as girls coach why i am not surprised like the Carina's test and you put him against Brasil in such early state of competition knowingly they are always favorite for gold. Like this Sarah she is more open to Chuck like she normally is and somehow you gonna put a Chuck with lot of pressure but somehow as Sarah standing beside him Carina he might maybe beat even a Chinese let see.
Harakan chapter 3 . 5/10
Nice to give Morgan a medal and Chinese guy third but the best pat is that Chuck mouth dont disappoint and make him screwed his shot of great Sarah Walker but somehow as always she always see something in him like in this AU thank havens for that.
Harakan chapter 2 . 5/10
Well it was funny and fully unexpected that Sarah would to that something like that in the end of the chapter but it was adorable. Reactions of Ellie and Chuck himself was hilarious. Morgan against Liu Guoliang for the gold medal would be also hilarious in table tennis.
Harakan chapter 1 . 5/10
Well my first sport story here Chuck diver he is more like beach volley ball too but interesting concept lets see what happens next and sooner is gonna Chuck hold gold medal in handball then anybody break Chinese dominance in diving.
assasnin chapter 7 . 5/1
Loved it. So well written. Nice and slow, didnt dive in too quickly ;)
DetroitNate chapter 7 . 10/12/2019
I have read this story countless times, and it just seems to get better and better. It is in a word: perfect!
Berksboy chapter 7 . 1/20/2019
Oh! How i love Sarah & Chuck AU's and this is no exception, it's only the second AU involving sport but a great story never the less, you write extremely well Frea, i pretty much read this in one hit, the flow of the story was great.

Believe it or not, this is the first story i have read of yours, i have been putting off 'When fates' due to the sheer size of it, now it may be time to reconsider.

So many good parts to highlight but one scene i thoroughly enjoyed was when Sarah made her first show of affection in front of the camera's hugging Chuck, then the worlds cameras focused on him whilst he was on the phone to Ellie, loved it.
Deathzbreath chapter 1 . 1/13/2018
Another excellent story, a pleasure to read.
cavemenftw chapter 2 . 3/30/2017
I really love this story. I've read it a few times in the last year or so. It's such a fun and easy read.
True Love Lives Forever chapter 7 . 12/30/2016
That was such a great AU story. Thanks for sharing
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