Reviews for Statalia
Guest chapter 4 . 6/19/2016
This is a beautiful, wonderful story with very concrete OCs and interesting plot, but just to point some things out:

There was a total of nine cities that had been (or still is) capitals of the US (aka served as the meeting place for the US Congress) , including Washington DC, Federal Hall in NYC, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and other places.

Other than that, amazing story :)
Michigan4 da win chapter 22 . 11/8/2014
Okay, so I LOVE how you had a MI vs. OH chapter, but really, this is one of the biggest state rivalries in America. It even says so on Wikipedia. Top 10 college rivalries. Could you possibly have them watching football together? Also, could you make a character bio for Michigan? I want to see it please. Also, after the battle for Toledo Michigan was allowed to have the UP (upper peninsula) that we currently still have today. Even now, Michiganders believe we got the better deal as it is gorgeous, has plenty of rss, and is way bigger than Toledo. Also, Lake Michigan. We LOVE to rub that in the faces of people from Ohio.
Luxury chapter 19 . 8/17/2014
i don't know if anybody told you this, but i love that story line that you have for indiana because most fics adout the states don't even have indiana in it so thank you for putting this state in the story and plz make some more of the fic for me :3 bye bye :
Sigmatic chapter 22 . 8/15/2014
Wonderful, as an Illinoisan, I must admit that the character is spot on, I would've expected an enemy to be Wisconsin (they do share a deep rivalry), but the character doesn't need to be changed. I'm also excited to see his meltdown at Ford Theater, Indiana better comfort him.
Kenya chapter 22 . 8/11/2014
thank you , can you plz make some more? :3
Guest chapter 6 . 8/10/2014
Odd thing I just noticed. Alaska's favorite show was set in Minnesota.

Alaska's biggest enemy is Minnesota.
Lucy chapter 21 . 8/9/2014
plz make more :3
Kenya chapter 20 . 8/8/2014
I don't know if your still doing this fic or not, but i'm truly in love with it. Please, if you're reading this, make more chapters, please. :)
Guest chapter 20 . 2/10/2014
Things you forgot to mention about Kansas: The Wizard of Oz, Sunflowers, Russia's obsession with her, "The Day After" (set in the very city where the Bleeding Kansas incident occurred), sharing a city with Missouri
The True Wild Fire chapter 21 . 2/9/2014
My reaction when I opened my email: Am I reading this right? Oh my God! I am!
ramenbaka chapter 5 . 11/30/2013
That's Texas for ya!
ramenbaka chapter 2 . 11/30/2013
You do know corn dogs were made in Texas sometime between 1938 and 1942 right?
Latizu chapter 20 . 8/16/2013
This is really interesting, keep writing!
Alex2cool2 chapter 14 . 7/29/2013
Alabama's previous bosses- That is an unholy combo, but not as unholy as France, Spain and black magic like louisanna
Alex2cool2 chapter 11 . 7/29/2013
Fun Fact : Currently for a few years D.C and Long island are trying to get qualified as states. D.C already has a flag set up and Long Island currently has a resistance and a capital planned out. * live in long island * If this works New York will loose most of the coastal areas, NYC and the people that pays most of the taxes. Dear, Mr America CAN YOU STOP SCREWING US BECAUSE IF YOU ARE STILL MESSING WITH US IN 20 YEARS THEN WE MIGHT JUST SUCCEED! BECAUSE YOU DID'NT SAY ANYTHING ABOUT CITIES AND ISLANDS SUCCEEDING!
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