Reviews for A Statue in the Temple of Mendacity
Writingbliss36 chapter 1 . 8/8/2015
Poor John. I hope Molly can get him out of this funk. Good story so far. :)
ViciousShade chapter 38 . 9/22/2014
I really like this story. Just wanted to say great job and beg for more chapters.
BlueSkye12 chapter 29 . 11/10/2013
I just found this story line and while I was original put off by the John/Molly suggested in the summary and the sort of AU feel I must say I am REALLY enjoying it! I've read this far in just the past few days and I have a job and a life so there. I love your broken, BAMF John. I like your Molly and jealous Sherlock. Not sure where the whole Rhino, Rat, TIger thing is going but I'll roll with it ... Thanks for sharing. Well done.
JN-Runner chapter 30 . 11/8/2013
Welcome back...
OMG, I'm so glad I started reading this story of yours. I have enjoyed being a Hunger Games reader of your. As I can say I wasn't ready to start a new Category but I'm glad I did. You are truly an amazing writer with evey bit of a twist and turn that you weave into your story... I am finding myself hooked on this one now...JN
JN-Runner chapter 29 . 11/8/2013
OMG, I'm so glad I started reading this story of yours. I have enjoyed being a Hunger Games reader of your. As I can say I wasn't ready to start a new Category but I'm glad I did. You are truly an amazing writer with evey bit of a twist and turn that you weave into your story... I am finding myself hooked on this one now...JN
parivash chapter 24 . 11/7/2013
I'm just now catching up with this story, but I think it's very well written, and though I'm not Sherlock (pity) I can make a deduction of my own. I realize that there are more chapters after this, but I haven't read them yet, and I deduce that John jumped because Sherlock made him to make Molly less of a target. After one faked death, it's far too logical to conclude that it would be easy to do it again. Not to mention the fact that I wrote a screenplay like this one time, it'd be moderately easy to plan especially for Sherlock.
magentacr chapter 38 . 11/7/2013
Well at least Sherlock and his Dad got to play their pieces before all hell broke loose. Sweet that Sherlock's piece was for John. So did Sherlock think he was a figment of his imagination when Hirt eyes met? Or was he just saving his reaction. Hehe, him deducing Sherringford was funny, knowing he couldn't see the truth.
But yeah, things did go a bit pear-shaped, didn't they. So now they've got Grady with them. Interesting. And Sherlock has been taken. Was the whole thing a set-up just to get him? A very elaborate ploy if so.
When Rat said that Mycroft was aware of their cover identitys, does that mean he knows its John and his Dad, or does he think its someone else and has a bit of a shock coming his way when he arrives?
Can't wait to find out :)
magentacr chapter 37 . 11/6/2013
Wow, what a big political/criminal mess. I think I just about understand it. And in the end it basically just boils down to one big shoot/out at the orchestra, am i right? And I definitely appreciate the irony of Sherlock and his Father playing the same show, without Sherlock being aware. If he doesn't recognise his Father though, there is also the chance that he will spot John. Although I suppose he might think he's imagining it. Kinda am hoping for the big reunion some time soon (it has all the potential to be deliciously awkward) but I imagine there's still at least a bit of a wait.
GooglyEye chapter 37 . 11/5/2013
Book One was was rather dark, but very interesting and enthralling. With Book Two, you completely lost me. It took a sharp right turn and plunged in a totally different direction. Too many original characters, It feels like a completely different story. It'd be better off separated and mentioned as a loosely affiliated sequel.
magentacr chapter 36 . 11/4/2013
Kinda don't know what to say to that one... Johns loyalties really are a tangled web. Quite funny the way he calls Molly a liar affectionately. I'm glad he hasn't forgotten her, what with all the competition. Not quite sure how the Molly, John, Sherlock love triangle will resolve itself, but I'm glad rat is stepping down at least.
And so on to the mission?
magentacr chapter 35 . 11/2/2013
Wow, you're right that is shocking. I'm not sure if I like Rat or not. I do hope hin and John manage to resolve thier issues though (though perhaps not in the way Rat wants to) as them working together is necessary to save Sherlock.
It's funny him laying out the clues for Mycroft, but Mycroft just not following them.
Another great chapter, thanks for posting them both close together. I look forward to the next
desnouer chapter 35 . 11/2/2013
I like it! I Angst... but it was nice to learn of the Holmes mother, and I liked your poem choice... I had to look up the whole thing!
magentacr chapter 34 . 11/1/2013
Yay, finally an update. I thought it would never come. Not sure what I think of Rat trying to seduce John. He seems nice enough, but John is already taken... Twice. The sooner they get to work rescuing Sherlock the better.
When is it talking about at the end? Before the fall? Or more recently in your story?
desnouer chapter 34 . 11/1/2013
Lovely chapter! Truly, I am just happy to have an update at all, and I appreciated its appearance! I hope things sort themselves out for you.
magentacr chapter 33 . 8/4/2013
Hi. Just a spent pretty much all day reading this story, and have found it very intriguing. I do hope for a happy ending for them all... You did have me going for a bit there, thinking you may have actually killed off John. Glad you didn't, what he's up to is much more exciting. I don't know how often you update, but when you do, I'll be waiting
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