Reviews for Saviour
under the stars tonight chapter 1 . 8/3/2012
yeah i know which fic u were talking about, i read it too. as for constructive criticism, it was pretty good, but i think the pacing was too fast and it didnt explore the emotional side very much. try adding more scenes or a longer timeline, and more emotional input in the writing. try explaining more in detail about how alfred was just going for an innocent check in, not expecting anything too horrible and then the shock and anger he feels when discovering arthurs predicament. personally, i think it would take a more than a little push to get information out of arthur. iggy can be quite stubborn, neh? ;) overall though, pretty good :D to sum it up i would just say, add more depth and length to the story. keep writing and improving fellow writer and hetalian! :D
secretsoul7 chapter 1 . 7/31/2012
Aww gosh this is just sad it was well written for people looking for this kind of story but geez I just want to kill arthurs brothers for this
Happy Lilac chapter 1 . 7/31/2012
I think you were inspired by the doushinji Trap Door, at least that's what I think. This was so sad and sweet, I really liked it! :D