Reviews for like to see you
Gay98 chapter 7 . 2/20/2019
Will there be more ?
Guest chapter 7 . 1/1/2019
This is so good
Jasmin chapter 7 . 12/5/2017
I'm crying bcos I love this pairing and this amazing story but last updated 2013 which suggests it shall never be completed and that just about ruins my life
phoenixfeuer32 chapter 4 . 1/7/2017
Your mind is deffinately not lost, it's a good pairing and your pretty accurate on the turmoil alexis would be going through if they had ever had this pairing in the show. Keep up the good work, and please for all things that are holy, keep this story going
Tally chapter 7 . 11/10/2015
I just remembered this story and how great it was. Just wondering if you're planing on finishig it? :)
anon chapter 7 . 5/23/2015
I love the story please continue!
KHb2 chapter 4 . 10/12/2014
Write some more please, your story is so good.
Best Regards fan in Norway
blue1orange chapter 7 . 8/26/2014
I just discovered your work and this is a incredible story...smoking hot. You have a wonderful erotic writing style that makes Kate smolder...all the time. Kate and Alexis together...fantastic...your images of them having sex are gorgeous.
One of, if not the, hottest Castle slash story I've read on ff. Superb.

And watching they come to terms with their...relationship...makes this a great read...hard to put down.

I see this hasn't been updated in a this story may be abandoned...but I wanted to tell you, encourage you (if you see this) that this is a really fine story and if you haven't moved on...your Castle readers would love to read more of this story.
And more Castle stories in this vein if you will.
marionedelstein chapter 7 . 1/23/2014
Wow, thank you for writing such wonderful story. This is probably the only Kate/Alexis fic out there that makes sense to me. It is very believable, you stay true to the characters and you don't forget to address the issues implied by their actions. There is a combination of shyness and boldness in both women and you balance it very well. The sex scenes are fantastic and very well written and the dialogues are really good too (so don't worry about that ;)). I'm totally ready to read as many chapters as you are planning to write and I promise I'll review every one of them from now :) So pleeeeeease update soon because it's been six months and I'm desperate to know what's happening next! Again, great job and thank you :) !
coyotepup4 chapter 7 . 12/28/2013
Not a fan of the story, but admit I am a fan of the sex scenes.

I guess I, like some people, don't to see an epic love story messed with. And lets face it, that's why a lot of people watch the sure.

I'm not sure if you plan to continue, but I'm wondering what the end game is for Rick. This is more than loosing the love of his life to his daughter. I know they are broken up, but he doesn't seem to be with anyone so whatever broke them up hasn't sent him chasing after someone else.

He won't be able to return to the precinct.

Beyond that, there's going to be the public humiliation. He's a celebrity. When this becomes public and it will, his name will be a punchline. Every public appearance will be a nightmare. There will Jerry Springer jokes galore.

Maybe there is some Pollyanna version where he publicly supports his daughter and her girlfriend leading to a politically correct happy ending. It might even be plausible if Alexis had picked any other woman, even a Kardashian...maybe.

But the whole world knows how Castle feels or felt about Beckett. Even if Alexis was a boy, I don't think it would change the impact on Rick's life.

The only end game I see for Rick is taking the Ferrari over the Brooklyn Bridge. If for no other reason, revenge, the guilt would destroy Alexis and Kate.
nomask chapter 7 . 12/2/2013
I've always been a Caskett fan after watching the series but reading your story just got me addicted to this new pairing. Alexis & Kate bring a very different dynamics to the story and it's so refreshing to read. I love how Kate unleashed this wild, fierce & passionate side of the usually well composed Little Castle. I really like how Kate seemed to act more softly against Alexis too. You somehow managed to explore new sides of the characters and keep them from getting OOC to me. I'm really looking forward to your next update.
irishgirl686 chapter 7 . 11/2/2013
This story is seriously the only reasonable Alexis/Kate fic out there. There aren't many to begin with, and the other ones tend to be so OOC or AU or just badly written as far as grammar and spelling. Yours is wonderful. I've enjoyed it from beginning to the current chapter, and I'm reviewing in hopes that you might remember that you have so totally devoted reader who would absolutely love to see this fic continue. Thanks for your words. This is so my new guilty pleasure. :)
Guest chapter 7 . 9/18/2013
next chapter yo
turtless chapter 7 . 9/2/2013
I know im late with reviews but this story is ACAMAZING! (Im obsessed with pitch perfect BTW) and i hope u can update REALLY SOON!
Guest chapter 7 . 9/2/2013
The best story I've read in a very, very long time.
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