Reviews for The Heist Society: Hale's POV
luxgloriana chapter 14 . 10/19/2018
On a whim, I checked the HS page for the first time in a while to see if there was anything new, and I’m so excited to see you finished this! You write Hale’s voice really well, it’s the perfect mix of confident conman/billionaire and massive nerd. I’m also really glad to see that you might write other fics for Heist Society—I think it’s a totally under appreciated series, and I’m glad there are authors like you around to appreciate it!
0FZrZ chapter 1 . 9/3/2018
Veri n1c3RjSst0ri4S
ILUVBTS chapter 14 . 8/1/2018
Of course Kat's hot! Not as hot as Gabrielle though! Haha the boys are SUCH perverts! Ah yes... Nice! Can't wait to read more!
ILUVBTS chapter 13 . 8/1/2018
PiKatchu nice one Dork Queen haha lol! Who's New Boy!? And Newbie like ugh! Seriously New Boy stole Hale's wallet nice pickpocketing! Step up your game Hale! Poor Kat what nightmares does she even have!? Where exactly has Kat and Gabrielle been!? Kat takes Gabrielle and not Hale!? ... Hmm
ILUVBTS chapter 12 . 8/1/2018
Sigh... Obviously the crew eavesdropped on Hale and Kat's conversation no duh why wouldn't they!? Hmm who's Newbie is it Nick!? Well obviously Gabrielle and Simon are into each other! Hale and Kat are dancing yay!
ILUVBTS chapter 11 . 8/1/2018
Great Nick's in this chapter!? I guess he can be part of the crew... Are the 2 boys Hale and Nick, while the girl is Kat!? Who's gonna get heartbroken now!? Wait... Is Hale jealous Nick's gonna steal Kat's heart!? Haha lol... Harsh although Kat's mad at Hale she shouldn't say Hale ain't part of the fam cuz he IS! Harsh... What's in the manila envelope, huh!?
ILUVBTS chapter 10 . 8/1/2018
Hmm... Doesn't Kat and Hale already have a crew or is this before they have a crew!? Cuz if not, I guess their crew can be Gabrielle, the Bagshaws, and Simon, along with Kat and Hale!
ILUVBTS chapter 8 . 8/1/2018
Hmmmm... Did Kat's mom actually say the man could help her! Suspicious... And weirdly weird. Kat's been there before cool... To Mr Stein's house, eh!? Hmm this Visily Romani is very popular I guess cuz his name is lots brought up...
ILUVBTS chapter 7 . 8/1/2018
What did Kat do!? And what disk does Kat have!? Wait did Taccone give Kat the disk!? If he did, then... WHY!? Hmm... why did Taccone seal a mini submarine to the ceiling of the room where the paintings are!? Haha I guess now Lucia thinks Hale's annoying and not just cute! Visily Romani, eh!? Hmmm... ... ...
ILUVBTS chapter 6 . 8/1/2018
Seriously why is Hale letting Gabrielle drive if she didn't even pass her driver's ed test thing!? I dearly hope she doesn't kill anyone... JK! No but seriously though, better safe than sorry! Why is Kat so clumsy now she's not that clumsy right!? Poor, heartbroken (maybe) Hale I guess Kat doesn't know Hale's feelings for her! Welp now I hope Taccone doesn't do anything to Kat! What does she even think she's doing!? Oh no... Welp... Um now that Gabrielle said Kat's gonna break Hale's heart, what's he gonna do bout it!? Loooooove it!
ILUVBTS chapter 5 . 8/1/2018
Oh Gabrielle's there... PLUS she's wearing a mini skirt classic Gabrielle! Haha is Hale trying to like make Kat jealous by hugging Gabrielle around the waist!? Aaaand now Kat's mad! Gosh darn...! What do you mean when 2 girls jealously like both girls are jealous of each other or Hale's jealous of the girls or WHAT!?
ILUVBTS chapter 4 . 8/1/2018
Simon!? What's he doing there!? Are Taccone's goons the ones following Hale and Kat and Simon!? Who's the DiMarcos!? Ah yes... Can't wait to finish this!
ILUVBTS chapter 3 . 8/1/2018
Why was Hale looking at Kat's chest!? That's weirdly... weird. Just weirdly weird. Who has the paintings that Taccone wants!? WHO HAS TACCONE'S PAINTINGS!? A name!? For whoever did the Taccone job or what!? Who's the one that did the Taccone job!? Hmm IS IT anyone they know!? I wish Hale and Kat actually were going out that would be nice!
ILUVBTS chapter 2 . 7/31/2018
Umm Kat left to find her dad to convince him to return what paintings!? Seriously Hale still wears Superman pjs lol that's so dorky but cute. Did Kat seriously barge into Hale's room just now!? While he was literally half naked? So Taccone wants paintings that probably Kat's dad has so the crew is gonna steal the? But who even has the paintings!? I seriously like don't get this...!
ILUVBTS chapter 1 . 7/31/2018
Kat goes to Colgan!? What kinda school is that!? What job does Hale want Kat to do!? Military school!? Omg Hale's parents wanted to let him into military school oof! Hmmmm I am confused by Hale's message I mean who has to give what back!? So confused...! Hmm... I wonder what'll happen now...!?
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