Reviews for Ghost Hunt: Missing Archives
loveanimeudou chapter 1 . 7/28
Ohhh my God there is so many chaps
jamiemargareth07 chapter 107 . 7/27
OMG BUT WHAT’S IN THE BOX? is it really from kei? yknow i really ship them and i’m still hoping for *ahem*marriage*cough* between them (since i still remember kei saying before that their mom won’t let mai marry him bc of her weak spiritual power but i’ve been wondering if that’s still the case hmmm

anyways~ i can’t believe this masterpiece is already finished BUT! i’m so happy to know that this is only the first season and there will be more uwu uwu
jamiemargareth07 chapter 106 . 7/27
hmm maybe it’s just me but sometimes it felt like something is missing in some cases? like in this one her dream at the beginning and ayako (the kid) really didn’t have that much involvement or maybe it’s just really me hehe
jamiemargareth07 chapter 89 . 7/27
WHOA OK i didn’t expect that
jamiemargareth07 chapter 69 . 7/27
oh maybe i spoke too soon about that shady guy..
jamiemargareth07 chapter 68 . 7/27
maybe mai’s powers are getting stronger? astroprojecting and things only she could see/hear/do..? so.. is it perhaps possible now for her to be kei’s fianceé? lol jk unless..?

i almost forgot.. but the man that gave them their task is shady but was never mentioned again or am i just over analyzing things?
jamiemargareth07 chapter 67 . 7/27
the ending was.. unexpected? but this is srsly so nerve wracking and imagining how they looked and what they do in the rituals just give me the creeps idk if the rituals are true (even if the rituals mentioned here are not, i bet there are as gorey, if not on par, with this one somewhere being practiced
jamiemargareth07 chapter 52 . 7/27
before when she was in the hospital, the case went to find her. now that she’s on a trip, the case once again manage to make it’s way towards her haha as expected of the trouble magnet
jamiemargareth07 chapter 46 . 7/27
i’m guessing that that creepy doctor is that masked man? when i’ve had a hunch since he’s so weird since the beginning so..
jamiemargareth07 chapter 36 . 7/27
she still haven’t completely healed yet but alas! the ghost (trouble) themselves are the one who went to her already! ahh our trouble slash ghost magnet
jamiemargareth07 chapter 35 . 7/27
from chapter 26 up until almost the end, i’m at the edge because if the horror and suspense! (plus reading this alone at ass o’clock in a dark room is also not helping. i feel hot and cold at the same time because of excitement and from being scared!) but lmao mai was really so battered on this case huh but idk i just love how you wrote it! it’s so perfect! (imagining all the stuffs she went through, idk but i probably wouldn’t be able to sleep.. just having a dream that someone wants to kill you every now and then is already enough thank you very much). how come you weren’t one of the writers of the anime?
jamiemargareth07 chapter 19 . 7/26
i’m actually hoping that she’ll be partnered up with kei and it came true! i’m shipping them already . butSIGHig its hopeless? and mai kissing people around is what i live for
HitchedKitten16 chapter 107 . 7/25
You continued! TwT thank god!
NormaLeticia chapter 107 . 7/25
Me tope con tu historia apenas el año pasado, me llamo la atencion ya que eran mas de 100 capitulos (104 si no mal recuerdo). Empece a leerlo y creeme que lei todos esos capitulos en uno tres o cuatro dias. Cada uno de los casos, con un epilogo explicando el resultado de cada caso, esperemos la segunda temporada, y como los demas tengo curiosidad de que tiene la caja y sobre todo quien es la persona que la envia... Espero que esten asalvo...
Nathasha Ocampo chapter 107 . 7/25
Me encantó, gracias por la actualización

Espero la segunda parte, tengo mucha curiosidad por la caja, ojalá en esta etapa Mai aumente sus poderes y aparezca un verdadero pretendiente que haga sufrir a Naru
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