Reviews for Book Three: Love
MikaelsonChicka chapter 6 . 7/4/2013
Aw that ducks for Hermione. I feel so bad for her. She's smears the string one
1ori ann chapter 6 . 10/21/2011
Like all others, I know it has been six years, but please update. I hope for the happily ever after. I wonder who the heck is Yamin's servant. What is Hermione's illness? Please update.
snowlizzy512 chapter 6 . 5/15/2011
I know it's been many years since you posted them but please finish the story! It's getting so interesting and I don't want to stop...please?
jesslovessmiles chapter 6 . 2/5/2011
update soon
CyraAideen chapter 6 . 8/29/2010
Noooooo! Please, please, please, update! Please, I'm beggin you!
love109 chapter 6 . 5/15/2010
update plz
KatieMalfoyx chapter 6 . 12/23/2009
Omg, I can't believe she has to go back to that evil guy just to live :(

Thats so sad!

You're awesome at writing :D!

Please update soon :) !
Musiciswhereigotogetawayfromit chapter 4 . 7/20/2009
Whats TMJ?
PixieKiz chapter 6 . 7/15/2009
OMG! ive just read all three books tonight and MERLIN! i love them! I'm inspired! ive never read such a heart warming Dramione! they are my FAVOURITE pairing, i love it i love it i love it!

PLEASE update ASAP i may DIE otherwards! actually DIE! I will die of PALLOR NEX simply WAITING for the next instalment!

PLEASE! - look, see the begging ? - PLEASE! UPDATE!

much love

arius chapter 6 . 3/26/2009
these 3 were very great fanfics. i know they r from 2001 and stuff but can u plz continue. i am dying 2 know wat happens with hermione. does she go or does she not? does she die or live? marry draco or no? yamin die or not? plz plz plz continue. this was very amazing. u hav a talent 4 writing fanfics
Coral K chapter 6 . 7/26/2008

I found your stories today ... and read most of them ... and you HAVE to keep going! Please? I love how original your ideas are, and the way you write the characters is just ... amazing!

... and the monkeys make me laugh :D

But ya ... WRITE MORE! please?
khamiuu chapter 6 . 7/13/2008
it makes me feel kind of sad to know that you haven't updated since 2005... and we are know in the 2008... so I guess i should just gige up any hope on you finishing this story...

even though it is a REALLY good story, i'm slightly dissapointed of it not having an ending...

oh well... congratulations on your writing skills anyways

i really enjoy reading your masterpieces...

(it feels akward writing a comment to no one in particular... oh well, whatever...)
dominican.dragongirl.214 chapter 6 . 8/28/2007

u are so0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o KEWL!

omg hurry up, type with all the power u can muster! omg

i'm at lose of wordz
Hulktastic chapter 6 . 8/7/2007
OMG this is so wierd When did Albus get another brother i thought it was only aberforth?
Faded Shadows chapter 6 . 7/24/2007
Sorry, but...when will you update? It looks like you haven't been updating since 06-01-05.

So when will you update?
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