Reviews for Balancing Hindsight or Foresight
Matt chapter 8 . 6/16
The books actually say almost nothing about Blaise Zabini. It's not specified whether or not Blaise has siblings. It's not even specified whether Blaise is male or female. I believe it is specified that Blaise has darker skin. But that's about it.
Matt chapter 8 . 6/16
"standing in the anti-chamber of the Great Hall"
Huh? It's the opposite of a chamber? What does that make it, exactly? In the book they wait in an antechamber, which is a smaller chamber off to the side of a large one. But anti means opposite. So what's the opposite of a chamber?
csheila chapter 13 . 6/14
Good and you left it wide open
csheila chapter 12 . 6/14
Very interesting
csheila chapter 11 . 6/14

Great solutions
csheila chapter 10 . 6/14
Better. I hope she has humility to apologize

And Ron WAS out of line
csheila chapter 9 . 6/14
Wow, Hermione needs serious help.

I disagree she was this bad in canon.
csheila chapter 8 . 6/14
Nice job.

Hate that Hermione is so stupid. But story so good, I will deal
csheila chapter 7 . 6/14
Loved the boy’s meeting. Nice to see Algie be less of a jerk.

Nice job on familiars and wands. Great imagination
csheila chapter 6 . 6/14
Curious why he is not working to free Sirius
csheila chapter 5 . 6/14
Revenge so much better when it’s subtle
csheila chapter 4 . 6/14
Best and most realistic ticking off I have ever seen. What is your conversion rate for galleons to pounds
csheila chapter 3 . 6/14
Oh hell yeah, they want to work for Harry.

Really looking forward to revenge.
csheila chapter 2 . 6/14
Fantastic opening.

Looking forward to rest.
csheila chapter 1 . 6/14
Think Magic has a ton of apologies to make.
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