Reviews for Should Have Been
Maknatuna chapter 1 . 7/20/2012
You seriously need to do a sequel to this...Cas needs to be saved !
Kelpiekilo chapter 1 . 7/19/2012
:'T this was the most saddest, tragic thing I've read about these two. Well I just started reading about then so...:P
I love this. It flows with strong emotion which I love nd wats better, I havent seen season 7 of supernatural :(
I love this, please make it into a story :)
anj emm chapter 1 . 7/18/2012
That was amazing!
The Mysterious Shadow chapter 1 . 7/18/2012
:( Wow I found the same spoilers today and got the same thought. I fear that Cas is going to stay in Purgatory or worst...again. Let's face it people...everyone get ready for another save Castiel campaign! *tears up* how many times are they going to do this to us!