Reviews for Nightmares Stink
StarCorrsin chapter 1 . 10/21/2013
That was an awesome story
Guest chapter 1 . 10/16/2013
Nice story
CartoonCaster21 chapter 1 . 8/26/2012

I loved this! Sonic so called it Don't worry Tails! Y'all can always watch a horror with me...I'll hole your hand...X3 (Huggles Tails) I just love that fox.

Good work, this was an adorable oneshot. Sonic and Tails brotherly foreva :3
Guest chapter 1 . 8/16/2012
Why would I say something nasty and negative, I think this story is super! You have the characters' personality down pack! You should be proud of yourself, you shouldn't fall in a depression just because someone says something bad to you, because I think you are an amasing writer and thats all that me sometime.
P.S.-Could you take a request for me? A family fluff for Sonic/Tails(brotherly),Shadow/Sonic(fatherly), Eggman/Shadow(fatherly) and/or Shadow/Hope(Fatherly), as you can see I L.O.V.E FLUFF! Exspecially family fluff! Oh, who is your favorite Sonic character? And do you like Sonamy or sallyXsonic
TadStange24 chapter 1 . 7/25/2012
wow thats descriptive writing. I have trouble being as descriptive as I would like but you. Nice.
Polska99 chapter 1 . 7/18/2012
I don't think this was bad at all. It might look a bit rushed, but it actually isn't it's perfect. You only have one little mistake when it comes to dialog. Remember to ALWAYS start a new paragraph every time someone else starts speaking! Other than that, it was great. Oh, and don't listen to people who flame you. You're too good to listen to that. Just ignore them. They just do that because they're jealous that they can't write stories that are as good as most of the ones on this site!