Reviews for Monster Academy
Guest chapter 15 . 7/24
This story line is great and I hope you didn't drop this story and will be updating. I almost cried when I realized that the champagne was Ace's blood ;-;
Kippysaurus chapter 15 . 9/23/2018
Hey! Are you still writing this? It’s really good!
dhea.taviry0121 chapter 15 . 6/16/2016
okay, first i think this fic has a great plot and i'll admit it's kinda hard too figure whats wrong till the way akainu talked to sanji, it's sad when ace died however i do think it's necessery for the story and it balanced the fluff side. second, i'm not too great when it comes to grammar, so far (to me) there's no problem with it. thrid, well how do i say this ? i think this fic lack of 'zosan' part ? from the notes in the chapter, i think you've realised too, so.. maybe you should add more ? that's for now. my personal compliment for you is that you're creative (with the champage thing, it's cool) i'm looking forward for the next chapterand i thanked you to able to write such story (well i'm in my holiday and i spent most of the time in my house cause my mom worked and all and i got bored so when i found your story it fill my too much free time) i satisfied with my reading. hehe.
Saemoon chapter 15 . 3/7/2016
This chapter is one of my favorite so far! I wonder who is this classmate who want Sanji's blood so badly... And what Law is planning to do against Akainu? I loved the Kidd/Law, these two are really great together :)

Thanks for the update! ;)
Prissycatice chapter 15 . 2/25/2016
so it's akainu... is he has some problems with incubus or something? ck, that old man
what is that? zoro being cute #grin
hope you get better, don't want you get sick, aren't we?
see you next dear~
AtomicLaziness chapter 14 . 2/11/2016
I honestly can't wait for the next chapter! I'm literally so excited! I love this fanfic some much!
Saemoon chapter 14 . 2/11/2016
I just found this story today and I'm so glad to have gave it a try because it's awesome and beautifully written so far! ;)

I already love Zosan dearly but the way you write them made me fall in love with them even more... If it's possible! XD And the little kiddlaw is very cute, I felt sorry at first for Kidd condition, his loneliness and the way he's feared, so I'm glad for him to have found Law ;)

I can't wait for the next update so keep up the amazing work! :)
ShitCook chapter 14 . 2/5/2016
I love this AU! It was heartbreaking when Ace died though.. :'( I feel so bad for Smoker.
Galexis chapter 14 . 1/30/2016
Yeah! that was a sweet and still hot one!
And I also love KiddxLaw!
yessibella chapter 14 . 1/25/2016
I really like this story. I've been following it for a while now, and I haven't properly reviewed, and it's high time I do so. First of all, the integration of the characters into the alternate setting is really well done, and I love the ideas and creativity behind what you do with it. I also want to make note of how well you show readers character emotions. I've been able to sympathize with a lot of what happened, and you're really good at keeping the story at a place where readers can understand it despite the differences.
Sage of Creations chapter 14 . 1/25/2016
This chapter is just as amazing as the rest of the story, you have made me laugh at the end credits you have written.
Prissycatice chapter 14 . 1/25/2016
aaaaaaawww~ they're acting like a newlywed *chuckles*
that's so sweet
oh and i feel sorry for smoker, must be hard for him
you promise me here~ cant wait to see sanji under zoro and crying his hubby's name out loud when they do 'you know what' thing
nighttempes chapter 14 . 1/25/2016
I am so confused about the guardian thing
Galexis chapter 13 . 1/14/2016
Please! Please! Please! go on writing! I love your fics, I found them just to late and nearly all of my hope was gone when I saw that they are last updated years ago. But if I understand it right, then these Chapter was updated on Monday, the 11th January of 2016? I really really hope so!
Please go on with all of your wonderful fanfics! Please!

May I ask for your Permittion to translate some of your Oneshots, because they're just to wonderful and adorable to hide them from the german fans. I would really love to translate and post them on some day. Of course with a link to your profile here, and a note that the story is not mine.

I'm completely new on this website and also a german, it's kinda hard to understand the organisation here, but I'm sure I will figure it out in time. Also my english is not the best, but I try hard to rise my skills in speaking and writing. Reading is surprisingly easy.

Again, a BIG BIG BIG Thank you for your writing! And especially these story.

Yours, Galexis
Prissycatice chapter 13 . 1/12/2016
oh damn you! that marking thing is so daaaaammnn sexy!
i love that! and i love it everytime sanji mewled like a cat
they were born to complete each other!
please please update please
i'm waiting
love ya
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