Reviews for Me and You and You and Me
Guest chapter 1 . 12/20/2017
Guest chapter 1 . 10/22/2014
This was really funny and heartwarming!
Ria sama chapter 1 . 6/13/2014
This is sooo coool! Very in canon and it could TOTALLY happen this way. Usopp and Zoro usually don't get paired up together in fights, so it was super original too! Awesome Job.
Teegra123 chapter 1 . 3/25/2014
"What? Is fur deer to you? Yohohoho!"
"That's not even funny!"

Me: Yes it was XD
RadioGlitch chapter 1 . 3/11/2014
So funny! The "Tanuki Joke" made me absolutely crack up.
Think Chocolate Thoughts chapter 1 . 1/29/2014
Hhaha this is hilarious and awesome! Great job!
callosum chapter 1 . 11/19/2013
This was absolutely terrific all the way through. I loved the humour and Zoro's badassery and then Usopp's unexpected badassery too, when it turned out that his body was also so finely-honed that it would respond to commands (I loved the moment when Zoro-in-Usopp called out, "Tatsumaki!" and Usopp-in-Zoro moved.) Absolutely terrific. I used to think that I didn't like the premise of body-swapping, but this was terrific (moreover its canon :P).

Just a tiny thing - did you mean "CANNON" when you wrote "CANON"? In any case, I thought "HEAD CANON" was hilarious because that's what this fic will become, I'm sure, once I've read through this a couple more times!
Awkward Little Boxes chapter 1 . 11/4/2013
From the first sentence to the last, this fic never loses momentum; there's never a moment wasted on unnecessary exposition, and that makes this the kind of fic that I love reading because I'm excited the whole time.

Your Zoro and Usopp are, to me, so very much in character that this is instantly one of my favorite Strawhat fics ever. Zoro's badassery and completely unimpressed attitude are well done, and Usopp with his geek out and his common sense and his sanity...he's impossible not to love in this piece; you've illustrated them so well!

I think though, that I lost all composure (and inclination to wait till the end of the story to throw back my chair, point to the screen, and declare loudly that this is the best Zoro, Usopp nakama story in the world) at this set of lines:
' "The pose isn't the issue here!" '
' "The pose is the only issue here!" '

It's so...perfect. Quintessential Strawhat Normal vs. Zoro/Luffy logic. I laughed inelegantly for longer than I should have.

You've done the dialogue so well too, it flows with the story and with Usopp's internal narration.

So, thank you very much for writing and sharing this, a small piece of my heart is now occupied by it :)

drana0 chapter 1 . 9/23/2013
Really funny story, Usopp is so very in character and Zoro is as stoic as he always is :) Thanks
sowerby chapter 1 . 8/23/2013
THIS IS STRAIGHT UP ONE OF THE BEST FANFICTIONS I'VE EVER READ AAUGGGHHHHHH I HAVE RECOMMENDED IT TO I DONT KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE ALRIGHT as like an example of a perfect fanfiction and god damn you this is like as good as it gets fuck. i want it to be so much longer because it is so savory perfection
brasslizard chapter 1 . 7/3/2013
Love this - definitely a fun read.
owlgirl16 chapter 1 . 8/26/2012
Before I realized that Sanji and Luffy had switched, I was very confused...Great story!
Xarciel chapter 1 . 7/26/2012
That was so amazing. Everyone was so in character, but Usopp especially so. Your characterisation was spot on, and playing around with bodyswaps was very amusing. I didn't even realise Luffy was in Sanji's body until Luffy!Sanji spoke up, I thought he was just really happy to see Usopp. xD

The humour was great, and I loved Zoro's bonehead logic, it fitted him so well. Great fic all round. :)
JenniferJ chapter 1 . 7/23/2012
While I am mildly curious as to how everyone except Nami wound up in the wrong bodies this time, this is such a well contained story that it works without any extra details.
XXCaptainUsoppXX chapter 1 . 7/22/2012
Ahhh, this was fabulous Especially in the light of the new Punk Hazard body switching chapters... I hope Oda does something like this, deals with how being in another person's body messes up your fighting style...
Choosing to do this from the POV of Usopp in Zoro's body was great... I loved how Usopp was sort of geeking out about how cool Zoro is even in this situation. :D Loved this. And the tiny glimpses of the other body switched characters at the end were hilarious.
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