Reviews for Sharing Secrets
Gleeful Darren Criss FAn chapter 5 . 12/22/2016
This is so adorable. I wish it was finished
Gleeful Darren Criss FAn chapter 4 . 12/22/2016
This made me lol several times
Gleeful Darren Criss FAn chapter 3 . 12/22/2016
Trevor and Bentley. So cute.
Darklightningstorm chapter 1 . 4/27/2015
This is absolutely adorable.
lilyvandersteen chapter 5 . 8/21/2014
Oh, how lovely to find out what Heidi said to Trevor. I always wondered ... :)
MissMissingYou chapter 5 . 3/16/2014
Somehow, and I'm still not entirely sure how, I have started to ship a stuffed cat and a stuffed toad.
dadiva18 chapter 5 . 2/20/2014
And I can't wait for Chapter 121 of Model Behavior too!
Chrisch chapter 1 . 9/16/2013
You have no idea how much I love and have enjoyed this! Its just great. I love stuffed animals, they were my sole toys for a long time - I never was cliché and played with dolls, just my stuffed animals! And I have still my favourite ones - and they are definitly adults, to both POV!
"The decoration on the top! Has he realized it yet?" - Another secret? Do we have clues in "Model Behavior"?
"Funny how they always assume that we were born the day they got us. Could you not tell I've been an adult the entire time" - thats quite a change of view.
"Furry toad" I had a good laugh at that!
And I love the "courage" part!
I cant wait to see if their plan succeeds - and hopefully soon ;)
edu1e6 chapter 4 . 8/28/2013
I love this sidebar to the story. Trevor & Bentley are fabulous. You have a fabulous gift. Loving the main story tooo! Ax
Tiggerfan chapter 5 . 8/4/2013
This is just to cute! Bentley and Trevor are awesome. This has been so much fun to read! Good luck with writing this and Model!
fostinefoli chapter 5 . 5/22/2013
I can imagine that bentley and trevor arguing about everything...*and this is make me wonder if my toys were having conversation when I was sleep...LOL

And yayy...finally I know what heidi said to trevor...
Can't wait another sharing secret XD
Blainemuilove chapter 5 . 5/18/2013
Awww Trevor and Bentley r acting like parents and Kurt and Blaine r their children
Gleek10660 chapter 5 . 5/17/2013
Aw! Those two are talking about a future together. Too cute!

Also loved the little anecdotes about Kid!Blaine. I just want to hug him, and squeeze him, and call him mine.

Looking forward to more Trevor-Bentley conversations.

Stay blessed! 3
LoveToRead205 chapter 3 . 5/17/2013
I might love these tidbits more than the original story, if that's even possible. Or, at least, I share my love evenly between those two.
Patzyartskulls chapter 5 . 5/16/2013
They are so cute, I love them, they are all the parts we want to here on what the other is think,feeling! 3
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