Reviews for Daisuki
Rinny-chan0218 chapter 1 . 10/14/2013
Awwwwww... whenever i read a fic like this i always get all tingly inside. i love it!
Lynn492 chapter 1 . 8/27/2013
My first story about Soul and Maka that I have read and it was beautiful! Definitely going into my favorites.
Miss Miss chapter 1 . 10/29/2012
D'aaaaaw. This was so sweet. Soul and Maka are the best. Love how you did Black Star-you completely nailed him.
VampChick76 chapter 1 . 10/5/2012
I love the one-shot! It's so fluffy and cute!

majinneda chapter 1 . 7/28/2012
Great job keeping everyone in character! It was an enjoyable read. )
ZoneKiller97 chapter 1 . 7/27/2012
kookiie chapter 1 . 7/21/2012
Cute story! Loved it! Hahaha, Black Star interrupts their love making session. ENCORE BLACK STAR! ENCORE!
Animefreak8 chapter 1 . 7/11/2012
HAHAHA Black Star walking in when the're about to do it XD
Guest chapter 1 . 7/10/2012
This is so awesome! Especially the part where BlackStar walks in, lol.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/9/2012
I loved it! The are such an adorable couple! :]
curio cherry chapter 1 . 7/9/2012
I love Soul n maka too! And, yes, they're very cute! As cute as ur story here! I love it!

You should write more SoMa fics!
Alcang chapter 1 . 7/9/2012

I just wanted to tell you that I really loved this fic. I can't help myself either to think of them as a couple, like they are so natural together, never seen something like what they have.

The situations in you story were really entertaining as well. Really good fic : )
Poisoned Scarlet chapter 1 . 7/8/2012
Aww this is definitely a favorite of mine! Their personalities are spot-on and I hope you continue to write SoMa! You're ridiculously good at it :)

Mokimoki-chan chapter 1 . 7/8/2012
Omg Soul and Maka. You did a Soul Eater fic. Words cannot describe how happy I am.